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Logging Quotes

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These aren’t like logging roads to get those blades in there. They’re greater than 40 feet in width, almost like a superhighway  (Logging Quotes) I have a new hobby and it’s pretty much logging  (Logging Quotes) Once a bustling logging town, Sandpoint has embraced its natural beauty to become an amazing resort town drawing people near and far to enjoy its beauty and recreational possibilities. It’s truly a small town with a huge backyard.  (Logging Quotes) I was logging 15-hour days, sampling food every minute. I had access to these amazing dishes, and it was easy to lose sight of how quickly the bites added up.  (Logging Quotes) I’ve been fascinated by the Internet from the very start. In 2001, I had made a funny black-and-white film called ‘How to Dance Properly,’ a short video of me dancing to a Madonna song. I sent it to 17 of my friends on a Thursday, and by Monday, one million people a day were logging on to view it.  (Logging Quotes)