Logic is one thing and commonsense another

Logic is one thing and commonsense another
Elbert Hubbard, a renowned American writer, publisher, and philosopher, once famously said, "Logic is one thing and commonsense another." This statement encapsulates the idea that while logic may be based on reasoning and rationality, commonsense is often rooted in practicality and intuition. Hubbard's words remind us that sometimes what may seem logical on the surface may not always align with what is considered common sense.Hubbard was known for his philosophical musings and his belief in the importance of individualism and self-reliance. He often challenged conventional thinking and encouraged people to think for themselves and trust their instincts. In the context of his statement about logic and commonsense, Hubbard may have been suggesting that while logic may provide a framework for understanding the world, it is often commonsense that guides us in our everyday decisions and actions.