Logic Quotes

Text Quotes
There is science, logic, reason; there is thought verified by experience. And then there is California (Logic Quotes)
People who lean on logic and philosophy and rational exposition end by starving the best part of the mind (Logic Quotes)
In liberal logic, if life is unfair then the answer is to turn more tax money over to politicians, to spend in ways that will increase their chances of getting reelected (Logic Quotes)
We are what we were at birth, and each trait has remained in conformity with Earth's and with heaven's logic: Be the devil's tool, resort to black magic, None can diverge from the ends which Heaven foreordained (Logic Quotes)
Logic is not a body of doctrine, but a mirror-image of the world. Logic is transcendental (Logic Quotes)
Logic takes care of itself; all we have to do is to look and see how it does it (Logic Quotes)
It is not humanly possible to gather immediately from it what the logic of language is. Language disguises thought (Logic Quotes)
My day passes between logic, whistling, going for walks, and being depressed. I wish to God that I were more intelligent and everything would finally become clear to me - or else that I needn't live much longer (Logic Quotes)
Perhaps there is supranatural: reason beyond the normal definitions of fact or data-based logic; something that only makes sense if you can see a bigger picture of reality. Maybe that is where faith fits in (Logic Quotes)
For is and is - not though with rule and line and up and down by logic I define, of all that one should care to fathom, was never deep in anything but - wine (Logic Quotes)
The grape that can with logic absolute the two and seventy jarring sects confute: the sovereign alchemist that in a trice life's leaden metal into gold transmute (Logic Quotes)
It seems to me that if there were any logic to our language, trust would be a four letter word (Logic Quotes)
Logic helps us to strip off the outward disguise of things, and to behold and judge of them in their own nature (Logic Quotes)
When two or three sciences are pursued at the same time if one of them be dry, as logic, let another be more entertaining, to secure the mind from weariness (Logic Quotes)
It was a saying of the ancients, truth lies in a well; and to carry on this metaphor, we may justly say that logic does supply us with steps, whereby we may go down to reach the water (Logic Quotes)
Mathematics is, as it were, a sensuous logic, and relates to philosophy as do the arts, music, and plastic art to poetry (Logic Quotes)
I am delighted to know that Principia Mathematica can now be done by machinery... I am quite willing to believe that anything in deductive logic can be done by machinery (Logic Quotes)
A good designer must rely on experience, on precise, logic thinking; and on pedantic exactness. No magic will do (Logic Quotes)
For no art and no religion is possible until we make allowances, until we manage to keep quiet the enfant terrible of logic that plays havoc with the other faculties (Logic Quotes)
Humor is something that thrives between man’s aspirations and his limitations. There is more logic in humor than in anything else. Because, you see, humor is truth (Logic Quotes)
I loved logic, math, computer programming. I loved systems and logic approaches. And so I just figured architecture is this perfect combination (Logic Quotes)
It is the logic of consumerism that undermines the values of loyalty and permanence and promotes a different set of values that is destructive of family life (Logic Quotes)
It may be that everything the life science companies are telling us will turn out to be right, and there’s no problem here whatsoever. That defies logic (Logic Quotes)
Religious faith depends on a host of social, psychological and emotional factors that have little or nothing to do with probabilities, evidence and logic (Logic Quotes)
There’s a logic to dreams that doesn’t necessarily follow linear narrative. You don’t know why things happen, it’s your subconscious pushing you, to give you information (Logic Quotes)
Those who desire to rise as high as our human condition allows, must renounce intellectual pride, the omnipotence of clear thinking, belief in the absolute power of logic (Logic Quotes)
To become truly immortal, a work of art must escape all human limits: logic and common sense will only interfere. But once these barriers are broken, it will enter the realms of childhood visions and dreams (Logic Quotes)
Language is remarkable, except under the extreme constraints of mathematics and logic, it never can talk only about what it’s supposed to talk about but is always spreading around (Logic Quotes)
It’s clear that people are going to download media files, and they’re going to talk to each other, and they’re going to exchange information and knowledge and so forth. So this system logic is basically what you bounce off of (Logic Quotes)
There is a certain logic to events that pushes you along a certain path. You go along the path that feels the most true, and most according to the principles that are guiding you, and that’s the way the decisions are made (Logic Quotes)