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Loitering Quotes

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Pardon me for loitering in front of an orchestra  (Loitering Quotes) The foundation of all civilization is loitering  (Loitering Quotes) It’s called loitering, which is like littering with human beings as the trash  (Loitering Quotes) If thou hast a loitering servant, send him of thy errand just before his dinner  (Loitering Quotes) A sickening howl stopped her, sucking the air out of her lungs. The night’s chatter silenced, even the loitering city rats pausing to listen. Scarlet had heard wild wolves before, prowling the countryside in search of easy prey on the farms. But never had a wolf’s howl send a chill down her spine like that  (Loitering Quotes) Still I sojourn here, alone and palely loitering, though the sedge is withered from the lake and no birds sing. For I sent the bath towel to the wash this morning, and omitted to put out another. I have no towel  (Loitering Quotes) To rove about, musing, that is to say loitering, is, for a philosopher, a good way of spending time  (Loitering Quotes) Things in which we do not take joy are either a burden upon our minds to be got rid of at any cost; or they are useful, and therefore in temporary and partial relation to us, becoming burdensome when their utility is lost; or they are like wandering vagabonds, loitering for a moment on the outskirts of our recognition, and then passing on. A thing is only completely our own when it is a thing of joy to us  (Loitering Quotes)