Lonely Quotes

Text Quotes
Say that I starved; that I was lost and weary; That I was burned and blinded by the desert sun; Footsore, thirsty, sick with strange diseases; Lonely and wet and cold, but that I kept my dream! (Lonely Quotes)
Traveling around sure gets me down and lonely, nothing else to do but close my mind. I sure hope the road don’t come to own me, there’s so many dreams I’ve yet to find. But you’re so far away (Lonely Quotes)
It’s instinctive in a certain kind of painting... It’s like a nervous system. It’s not described, it’s happening. The feeling is going on with the task. The line is the feeling, from a soft thing, a dreamy thing, to something hard, something arid, something lonely, something ending, something beginning (Lonely Quotes)
Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend,even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none. When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself (Lonely Quotes)
If you’re lonely, bored, or unhappy, remember you are mad young. There is so much time to meet new people and go to new places (Lonely Quotes)
I think everybody gets lonely sometimes. I don’t know if people can ever understand how you can be in a room full of people and be lonely sometimes (Lonely Quotes)
Keep in mind that to avoid loneliness, many people need both a social circle and an intimate attachment. Having just one of two may still leave you feeling lonely (Lonely Quotes)
I think, as you’re growing up, your emotions are just as deep as they are when you’re an adult. You’re ability to feel lonely, longing, confused or angry are just as deep. We don’t feel things more as we get older (Lonely Quotes)
Any journey in life, if not done for human reasons of understanding and love, would be a very empty and lonely one (Lonely Quotes)
From my mother came the idea that going down to the sea repaired the spirit. That is where she walked when she was sad or worried or lonely for my father. If she had been crying, she came back composed; if she had left angry with us, she returned in good humor. So we naturally believed that there was a cleansing, purifying effect to be had; that letting the fresh wind blow through you mind and spirits as well as your hair and clothing purged black thoughts; that contemplating the ceaseless motion of the waves calmed a raging spirit (Lonely Quotes)
I been saying it for years: church is full of sneaky men posing as honest souls, and they are perpetuators our here looking for women just like you, with giant holes in your hearts, and they can smell when you got a good job and when you lonely as hell (Lonely Quotes)
As I stood on the lonely backroad, I’m sure I heard birds, kookaburras, laughing (Lonely Quotes)
I began to write because I was too shy to talk, and too lonely not to send messages (Lonely Quotes)
All right, that was my moment with loneliness. I’m not afraid of feeling lonely, but now I’m going to put that loneliness aside and know that there are other emotions in the world, and I’m going to experience them as well (Lonely Quotes)
There’s really no honor in proving that you can carry the entire load on your own shoulders. Andit’s lonely (Lonely Quotes)
Lonely is a freedom that breathes easy and weightless. And lonely is healing if you make it (Lonely Quotes)
If you are at first lonely, be patient. If you’ve not been alone much, or if when you were, you weren’t okay with it, then just wait. You’ll find it’s fine to be alone once you’re embracing it (Lonely Quotes)
Society is afraid of alonedom, like lonely hearts are wasting away in basements, like people must have problems if, after a while, nobody is dating them. But lonely is a freedom that breaths easy and weightless and lonely is healing if you make it (Lonely Quotes)
One must flee those places where life throbs and seek out lonely spots untouched by human hand in order to lift the magic veil of nature (Lonely Quotes)
If you don’t take charge of your transition, it is a dark and lonely road (Lonely Quotes)
I’m lonely. What kind of loneliness? Every kind. I feel disconnected. Abandoned. As always. Repetition. So what, my love? So what? At first, I just wanted to run away. Now I have no where else to run to, nothing to run from. I don’t belong anywhere, I don’t want to go anywhere, I just want to be happy (Lonely Quotes)
I already accepted that I relate to nothing. The more I gain, the more lonely it is I know I’m like a ghost (Lonely Quotes)
O yes, everyone gets lonely some time or other. After all, if we look closer into ourselves, shall we not admit that the warmth from other people comes so sweet to us when it comes, because, we always carry with us the knowledge of the cold loneliness of death? (Lonely Quotes)
Always being myself and my salve, which is life. I’m not lonely, if that’s what it seems like. Always writing things down (Lonely Quotes)
I’ve been so lonely for long periods of my life that if a rat walked in I would have welcomed it (Lonely Quotes)
For me, making films is about trying to work something out by myself in quite a lonely way. I find the whole thing very lonely really (Lonely Quotes)
Writing on your own is, in a way, a very lonely profession. There’s no one there to help you (Lonely Quotes)
I am never bored, never short of anything to do and I don’t even ever feel lonely. I am quite gregarious and I get out and about a lot, but sometimes it is just wonderful to be on your own (Lonely Quotes)
I don’t socialize. I’m kind of a hermit. The life of an actor can be very lonely (Lonely Quotes)
You’re not lonely when you’re teaching, you’re not quiet, you’re laughing most of the time, you’re having a wonderful time interacting with young people. It’s the best fun in the world (Lonely Quotes)