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Long Time Quotes

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The door might not be opened to a woman again for a long, long time, and I had a kind of duty to other women to walk in and sit down on the chair that was offered, and so establish the right of others long hence and far distant in geography to sit in the high seats  (Long Time Quotes) Television viewers, they’ve been around a long time. They’ve been watching this thing now for 50 years. I mean, they know exactly what’s happening when it comes to television programming. You can’t put anything over on them anymore  (Long Time Quotes) I always believe in doing new things and using new materials that I have never used or that I didn’t like for a long time  (Long Time Quotes) It will take a long time for women’s effect on politics to register so that we may properly appraise it  (Long Time Quotes) Hospitals are places that you have to stay in for a long time, even if you are a visitor. Time doesn’t seem to pass in the same way in hospitals as it does in other places. Time seems to almost not exist in the same way as it does in other places  (Long Time Quotes) I began taking liberties a long time ago; now it is standard practice for most directors to ignore the rules  (Long Time Quotes) One thing I won’t be doing on a weekend is shopping. I just don’t like it, and I haven’t bought an article of clothing for a very long time. I usually just take wardrobe from shows I’m on. It’s much easier  (Long Time Quotes) There is, however, a change going on in the world. There’s far more interest in drawing now than there has been in a long, long time. Schools are beginning to teach drawing again in a serious and meaningful way  (Long Time Quotes) It takes me three or four years to research and write each book and the individual stories stay with you for a long time afterwards  (Long Time Quotes) People’s lives change dramatically over such a long time period, and I think that if you’re still vital, and you’re still interested in writing and things like that, of course your music evolves and reflects where you are in your life  (Long Time Quotes) At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be a surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken  (Long Time Quotes) At first I was always cast as the girlfriend. It was a long time before I got to play characters who were people  (Long Time Quotes) It’s taken a long time but eventually when I had the songs in place and demos right and I found myself a manager, that’s when everything started happening quickly but I think that’s always the way it is  (Long Time Quotes) For a long time, my shows were about people walking out or about getting my gigs canceled or having the presenter not wanting to pay me  (Long Time Quotes) Slater’s a big star and he’s been in the business a long time. He’s always in a good mood and easygoing but he takes his character very seriously  (Long Time Quotes) We already live a very long time for mammals, getting three times as many heartbeats as a mouse or elephant. It never seems enough though, does it?  (Long Time Quotes) It took me a long time to realize that you have to have a bit of an interlanguage with actors. You have to give them something that they can act with  (Long Time Quotes) Authors change publishers because it’s like being married for a long time and suddenly you want to go out and have a wild affair! No, not seriously, sometimes the deal is more interesting with a new publisher, and other times they have more enthusiasm for your books  (Long Time Quotes) I don’t want to get in a big, long discussion about right and wrong, but our company has been working on the issue of underage drinking and alcohol abuse for a long time. I’ve been outspoken about it  (Long Time Quotes) I found out a long time ago that if I didn’t have a good story for a song, I could just make one up! Now it seems over half the stories in my show are made up. The funny thing is, those seem to be the ones that resonate the most with the audiences  (Long Time Quotes) It was quite nice meeting up because we went through a lot together and we haven’t really seen each much other to communicate one to one for quite a long time  (Long Time Quotes) When you work really hard for something for a long time it’s almost impossible to believe that it’s coming true  (Long Time Quotes) There’s a lot of smoke being blown at you, but this is no new sport to me; I’ve been doing it a long time, I’m used to it and I see it coming immediately the minute it gets into our realm  (Long Time Quotes) The mugger who is arrested is back on the street before the police officer, but the person mugged may not be back on the street for a long time, if ever  (Long Time Quotes) Thus it cannot be denied that the masses which today form our highest mountains were originally in a liquid state; for a long time they were covered by waters which did not sustain any life  (Long Time Quotes) I’ve been a vegetarian for so long, I forgot how much I missed meat. You know you don’t realize how important meat is to you until you don’t have it for long time  (Long Time Quotes) And what makes me happy now has changed as well... Its one thing to play in a bar or at a biker festival, and hear a guy who’s been drinking beer all day come up and tell you how good you are. For a long time in your life that will make you happy  (Long Time Quotes) You get involved with a character after spending a long time waiting, and this demands a lot of energy and concentration  (Long Time Quotes) And being away and not performing for a long time and really connecting with my audience for a long time, I have a great responsibility to myself and to them to do it exactly the way the process was when I was young  (Long Time Quotes) I think my fans will follow me into our combined old age. Real musicians and real fans stay together for a long, long time  (Long Time Quotes)
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