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Long Time Quotes

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A long time ago, there were lovers that lived on the opposite ends of a river. They promised to meet when the camellia flowers bloomed. But it rained so much the boat couldn’t cross the river. So the two couldn’t meet, even though the camellia flowers had all bloomed. Lets meet again. Before the camellia flowers wilt  (Long Time Quotes) You do not see fairies through the eyes, you see them through the heart and that took me a long time to learn because I was always trying to see them through my eyes  (Long Time Quotes) We’re not living in an age of no hope. We are living in the age of choice, which is much scarier. It means that what we do every day matters, which is always a bummer for humans. But it’s a great thing and it’s inspirational and we need to remember that. We have a long way to go and not a long time to get there  (Long Time Quotes) I’ve gone through so much in my life. I should have been dead a long time ago, but I am still here, and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been  (Long Time Quotes) I wanna hear it, I wanna hear it from each and every one of you. I wanna hear it from the kids, the men, the women. I wanna hear it from every single person in this arena. I want you to stand up out of your seat, I want you to get up and do what you should have done a long time ago! I want you to admit that you were wrong! All of you! You all were wrong! Each and every single one of you! I made it!  (Long Time Quotes) And trust. It takes a long time to trust someone. You work with people, anybody you don’t know, it takes about a films length to get to know each other. Then if you move on, you have to start right back at the beginning. But if you carry on together and try doing different things, you can all grow together  (Long Time Quotes) I have made plenty of mistakes. The key to life is to learn from them. I have been a little too introspective, but I think that stemmed from insecurity or shyness. I took a long time to grow up  (Long Time Quotes) I had felt for a long time, that if I was ever told to get up so a white person could sit, that I would refuse to do so  (Long Time Quotes) Haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. I better stop now before I start crying. Go off to sleep in the sunshine... I don’t want to see the day when its dying  (Long Time Quotes) It took a long time to understand why people were so interested in me, but I assumed it was because my wonderful husband had done a lot of wonderful work leading up to our marriage and our relationship. But then, over the years, you see yourself as a good product that sits on a shelf and sells well. People make a lot of money out of you  (Long Time Quotes) I feel no different than I felt at 99, 98 or 97. Just because you live a long time, you get all this attention. Just because you survived? Of course, I survived a lot  (Long Time Quotes) I have thought for a long time that the way my clothes hang on me is more important than me inside them  (Long Time Quotes) Architecture is particularly difficult for women; there’s no reason for it to be. I don’t want to blame men or society, but I think it was for a long time, the clients were men, the building industry is all male  (Long Time Quotes) Because that’s the thing about depression. When I feel it deeply, I don’t want to let it go. It becomes a comfort. I want to cloak myself under its heavy weight and breathe it into my lunges. I want to nurture it, grow it, cultivate it. It’s mine. I want to check out with it, drift asleep wrapped in its arms and not wake up for a long, long time  (Long Time Quotes) For a long time, I couldn’t even afford food and clothing. I climbed from the very bottom of the society  (Long Time Quotes) There are some words that once spoken will split the world in two. There would be the life before you breathed them and then the altered life after they’d been said. They take a long time to find, words like that. They make you hesitate. Choose with care. Hold on to them unspoken for as long as you can just so your world will stay intact  (Long Time Quotes) A hero knows it takes hard work and a long time to get published; a fool thinks it should happen immediately, because he thinks heÕs a hero already  (Long Time Quotes) I have been waiting a long time for this. It’s been my dream forever. Now that it’s a reality, I love it. I haven’t been burnt out at all and I have a bunch of guys with me that feel the same way  (Long Time Quotes) There’s no such thing as a short review. It will take a long time to get it started. That’s the reality. And it will be probably even longer to complete it  (Long Time Quotes) He loved her for almost everything she was and she decided that was enough to let him stay for a very long time  (Long Time Quotes) She clutched the train ticket tighter and waited for the sense of escape to come over her as it had a dozen times before, that heady sensation of having just scooted through the clanging gate, of eluding the thrown net. It didn’t come. She was running again, but she wasn’t escaping. She’d been chased to ground a long, long time ago  (Long Time Quotes) You know, for a long time being a heavily tattooed woman was viewed as something gross, or you’re either a criminal or a drug addict. It feels good to be a good representation of the art form versus being the token tattoo girl. I’m just glad that people even consider it to be sexy, because I think I’m just a big nerd so it works out  (Long Time Quotes) If you’re truly in a band and you guys have been together for a long time, there’s a family bond that you have. In fact, I’ve talked about this with therapists, especially if you’re talking about a relationship, because when you’re with somebody, you’re going to your family, and she’s alone  (Long Time Quotes) Admittedly, key archival documentation remains under lock and key and will be inaccessible for a long time to come. But enough material is available, in the form of declassified documents, memoirs, oral histories and journalistic treatments, to begin to piece together the story  (Long Time Quotes) The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe that bad events will last a long time, will undermine everything they do, and are their own fault. The optimists, who are confronted with the same hard knocks of this world, think about misfortune in the opposite way. They tend to believe that defeat is just a temporary setback or a challenge, that its causes are just confined to this one case  (Long Time Quotes) One of the significant facts about the moment of birth is that it is an unconscious moment. No one ever knows when he is being born that the event is actually taking place, and sometimes we don’t find out about it until quite a long time afterward. Sometimes, we never do really find out that we have been born. So frequently, we don’t know why we were born; we don’t know where we came from; we don’t know what the purpose of life is; nor do we understand the possibilities of our godly destiny  (Long Time Quotes) Music is something that should speak for itself, straight from the heart. It took me a long time to understand that  (Long Time Quotes) It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that’s what it amounts to I haven’t found any shortcuts, and I’ve been looking for a long time  (Long Time Quotes) I had dreamed about being a college coach for a long time, but with no education, I never thought I would get a chance  (Long Time Quotes) Bach is like an astronomer who, with the help of ciphers, finds the most wonderful stars... Beethoven embraced the universe with the power of his spirit... I do not climb so high. A long time ago I decided that my universe will be the soul and heart of man  (Long Time Quotes)
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