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Long Time Quotes

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Every generation feels it has the problems that will destroy it. That’s because we can perceive them a long time before we have the ability to fix them  (Long Time Quotes) I think I have music in me! I had a scholarship to study singing at one point, and I’ve never really done anything about it. I’ve done some music on stage, but it’s been a long time. It would be kind of fun  (Long Time Quotes) I like finding a great shot and then just staying with it for a long time, not trying to pump things up with some kind of artificial energy by cutting  (Long Time Quotes) When you first get out of doing a show for a long time where you played a teenager, casting directors and producers all still look at you as being the character that you played for so long  (Long Time Quotes) It’s a long time until the next election, but it starts now. And if you truly want to see things change in the direction that our country is headed, you have to stay involved. You cannot quit now  (Long Time Quotes) I became an electrician after high school. But I always had this thing in me to write. But it was always a little shameful. To say you were a poet was saying you were kind of crazy, and I carried that around for a long time. I still kind of carry that. And I think it might be true, actually  (Long Time Quotes) It all felt like a terribly long time. It would have meant that I had to make five movies in five years and if you don’t like the movies, too bad. I guess I just wanted my freedom, and I think my life has been incredibly enhanced as a result  (Long Time Quotes) If the movies that I’m going to make anyway go mainstream, that would be the coolest thing ever. But I have set up a plan that I’ve been working on for a long time  (Long Time Quotes) I wrote about wasting time, which I suppose is a part of the great human journey. We’re supposed to wallow, to go through the desert without water for a long time so that when we finally drink it, we’ll truly need it and we won’t spill a drop. It’s about being present  (Long Time Quotes) I was a very good girl for a long time, that’s what really drew me to acting. The stage was the perfect place to be outrageous, to be sad, to be angry, to be all these different things  (Long Time Quotes) I think that popular culture takes a long time to catch up to what’s actually happening in the world. Women have had to take care of themselves for quite a while. Actually, not had to take of themselves, but have wanted to take care of themselves, so I think it’s a big transition that our country and our society has been going through a long time  (Long Time Quotes) You know, it’s scary when you sign onto a pilot of a series because, as much as you want the series to go, you also want it to be a character that you’d be interested in playing for a long time  (Long Time Quotes) I wouldn’t just have other people write songs and me go out and sing it. I would sit down with a guitar and write 11 or 12 good songs for an album and that is gonna take a long time  (Long Time Quotes) Jesus left a long time ago, said he would return. He left us a book to believe in, in it we’ve got an awful lot to learn  (Long Time Quotes) I think for a long time it seemed like working in an art form and being a feminist meant portraying women in a perfect, angelic light. And there’s nothing feminist about that  (Long Time Quotes) A different script calls for different things. It always takes me a long time to get to know the part, and know the logic behind the words. I have to be with the script for quite a long time before things start to fall into place, before they become part of the character  (Long Time Quotes) When I was a kid, I always thought that I’d be a comic book artist. It took a long time to start thinking that I could be a musician  (Long Time Quotes) My kind of success has come a little bit later in life. I’m not 20 any more and these people I’ve been working with have been successful and good at what they do for a long time  (Long Time Quotes) Now it will take a long time to scale biofuels, but I’m the only one in the world forecasting oil dropping in price to $35 a barrel by 2030. I’ll put it on the record: Oil will not be able to compete with cellulosic biofuels. If you do it from food, the food will get so expensive you can’t make fuel out of it  (Long Time Quotes) Fortunately for a quarterback, you can play for a long time because you don’t get hit very often  (Long Time Quotes) A long time ago when I was very little, I dreamed about being on stage. Some people told me I would never be able to do it, so I only paid attention to those who told me that I could  (Long Time Quotes) I’ve been collecting photos for a long time, I mean since I started making money. But what you have had to go through to find a good photo is like a needle in the haystack sometimes. You’ll drive from one gallery to the next gallery to the next gallery. It’s not an easy process. It’s a very ancient model that just hasn’t caught up with the times  (Long Time Quotes) I got told so many times I needed a manager. For a long time I resisted, and I finally got one so I can pay my mortgage, and it helped me from becoming a homeless person  (Long Time Quotes) I’ve been singing for a really long time and I love a lot of genres, but country just seemed like the best fit. The people in that genre are just so nice and welcoming. And that seemed so appealing. Also my voice fit it and seemed like the way to go  (Long Time Quotes) I think I’m fascinated by the power of religion in our culture. Like a lot of secular, liberal people, I ignored it for a long time. Lately, of course, just from a political perspective, it’s impossible to ignore  (Long Time Quotes) I made the decision that I was going to make rap music in, like, fourth grade, so it’s been something I was saying for a long time  (Long Time Quotes) For a long time I was cautious of working with my parents because I wanted to feel separate from them in the community. Now there’s no more wasting time  (Long Time Quotes) I love an arcade. I love a boardwalk game. But I also love a rollercoaster. Though I think the rollercoaster love comes from the fact that it took a really long time for me to reach the height requirement, so I promised myself very early on that when I reach that, I will not take it for granted  (Long Time Quotes) I look around my neighborhood, and I see people hailing a cab or ordering their food and then paying for it all with their phone. I’ve read about that stuff for a really long time, and now it’s starting to become commonplace  (Long Time Quotes) Music I can discover a part of myself that I haven’t been able to for a long time, and acting is the opposite. I’m in love with both of them and I would never choose one over the other  (Long Time Quotes)
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