Long Way Quotes

Text Quotes
I see kids today trying to do the things I did, and it makes me feel like I’ve come a long way (Long Way Quotes)
A positive attitude goes a long way. Focus your energy on the here and now, and see how a happier you shines through (Long Way Quotes)
I don’t want to play second leads or third leads in a film. I started working at 17. I still have a long way to go (Long Way Quotes)
The world is not a meritocracy, as much as we may like to pretend that it is. And we have a long way to go before we really reward people based on their own merit (Long Way Quotes)
Science has gone a long way toward helping man to free himself from the burden of hard labor; yet, science itself is not a liberator. It creates means, not goals. It is up to men to utilize those means to achieve reasonable goals (Long Way Quotes)
I think they’re really linked. I think books and movies are going to go a long way together in the future. I think we writers are very important material for directors (Long Way Quotes)
The country has come a long way in race relations, but the pendulum swings so far back. Everyone wants to be so sensitive (Long Way Quotes)
The wise learn from the experience of others, and the creative know how to make a crumb of experience go a long way (Long Way Quotes)
Too much mystery is merely an annoyance. Too much adventure is exhausting. And a little terror goes a long way (Long Way Quotes)
A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of (Long Way Quotes)
Vice goes along way towards making life bearable. A little vice now and then is relished by the best of men (Long Way Quotes)
We can travel a long way in life and do many things, but our deepest happiness is not born from accumulating new experiences. it is born from letting go of what is unnecessary, and knowing ourselves to be always at home (Long Way Quotes)
Making the extra effort to say thanks in a genuine, personal manner goes a long way. It is pleasurable to do, and it encourages more of the same good behavior (Long Way Quotes)
Inevitably the machines must win, but there is still a long way to go before a human on his or her best day is unable to defeat the best computer (Long Way Quotes)
My greatest victory has been to be able to live with myself, to accept my shortcomings. I’m a long way from the human being I’d liked to be, but I’ve decided I’m not so bad after all (Long Way Quotes)
Take the long way. Do the hard work, consistently and with generosity and transparency. And then you won’t waste time doing it over (Long Way Quotes)
In fact, merely writing the facts on a piece of paper and stating our problem clearly goes a long way toward helping us to reach a sensible decision (Long Way Quotes)
The surest foundation of a manufacturing concern is quality. After that, and a long way after, comes cost (Long Way Quotes)
The man who actually knows just what he wants in life has already gone a long way toward attaining it (Long Way Quotes)
Over the years I’ve grown more comfortable with making people uncomfortable because that is when growth can happen. You need a little conflict. You need a little tension. And that is part of my calling. A little tough love goes a long way! (Long Way Quotes)
The really good idea is always traceable back quite a long way, often to a not very good idea which sparked off another idea that was only slightly better, which somebody else misunderstood in such a way that they then said something which was really rather interesting (Long Way Quotes)
And I watch my words from a long way off. They are more yours than mine. They climb on my old suffering like ivy. It climbs the same way on damp walls. You are to blame for this cruel sport. They are fleeing from my dark lair. You fill everything, you fill everything. Before you they peopled the solitude that you occupy, and they are more used to my sadness than you are. Now I want them to say what I want to say to you to make you hear as I want you to hear me (Long Way Quotes)
I daresay it seems foolish; perhaps all our earthly trials will appear foolish to us after a while; perhaps they seem so now to angels. But we are ourselves, you know, and this is now, not some time to come, a long, long way off. And we are not angels, to be comforted by seeing the ends for which everything is sent (Long Way Quotes)
Where the shadow of the bridge fell I could see down for a long way, but not as far as the bottom. When you leave a leaf in water a long time after awhile the tissue will be gone and the delicate fibres waving slow as the motion of sleep. They don’t touch one another, no matter how knotted up they once were, no matter how close they lay once to the bones (Long Way Quotes)
I believe that an orderly universe, one indifferent to human preoccupations, in which everything has an explanation even if we still have a long way to go before we find it, is a more beautiful, more wonderful place than a universe tricked out with capricious ad hoc magic (Long Way Quotes)
I was headed for the fantastic lights. No doubt about it. Could it be that I was being deceived? Not likely. I don’t think I had enough imagination to be deceived; had no false hope, either. I’d come from a long ways off and had started from a long ways down. But now destiny was about to manifest itself. I felt like it was looking right at me and nobody else (Long Way Quotes)
If each of us can learn to relate to each other more out of compassion, with a sense of connection to each other and a deep recognition of our common humanity, and more important, to teach this to our children, I believe that this can go a long way in reducing many of the conflicts and problems that we see today (Long Way Quotes)
Endless data show that diverse teams make better decisions. We are building products that people with very diverse backgrounds use, and I think we all want our company makeup to reflect the makeup of the people who use our products. That’s not true of any industry really, and we have a long way to go (Long Way Quotes)
So I have a friend who works for me once a week. She’s got email, so anybody that must send an email, they send it to her and she faxes it to me. Sounds like a long way of doing things, but it works for me (Long Way Quotes)
We’re getting rewarded. We don’t give up on the play and we show some character at the same time, but there is a long way for us to get to where we want to be (Long Way Quotes)