Looking Quotes

Text Quotes
I can’t wait to do the normal things. Like just doing your own groceries. Looking for your own tomatoes. I just can’t wait to get up in the morning and look awful. I’m looking forward to getting bored (Looking Quotes)
What’s recommended is that if you have a good experience, don’t get too excited. And if you have a bad experience, don’t mistake it for a serious deviation or a sidetrack that you have to find your way back from. If you have a bad experience, just continue practicing as you were. In other words, whatever happens, just keep looking at your mind (Looking Quotes)
I’m always looking for the next major hurdle and doing something that the world has never seen (Looking Quotes)
The aim of the historian, like that of the artist, is to enlarge our picture of the world, to give us a new way of looking at things (Looking Quotes)
I always think there are people looking not so much for information as for reassurance and reaffirmation of their views (Looking Quotes)
It is looking for the joys that come in small, precious packages and making the most of them, knowing that big packages of joy are few and far between (Looking Quotes)
It’s ridiculous that we continue to incarcerate anyone for using a substance that actually causes far less damage than alcohol. No one goes out looking for fights on marijuana. No one dies from marijuana intoxication. And no one should be jailed for possessing marijuana (Looking Quotes)
When I was younger I was looking for this magic meaning of life. It’s very simple now. Making the lives of others better, doing something of lasting value. That’s the meaning of life, it’s that simple (Looking Quotes)
Emotions are the natural substances of the soul... and when we think we can’t handle the emotions, we lose the natural substances of the soul and begin looking for substances to replace the flow (Looking Quotes)
I discovered that this camera was the technical means in photography of communicating what the world looks like in a state of heightened awareness. And it’s that awareness of really looking at the everyday world with clear and focused attention that I’m interested in (Looking Quotes)
You have to be able to observe life as if you were a camera all the time, constantly looking at light and the way that things are placed and the way people hold themselves. You need the ability to see something in someone or something that no one else really sees and be able to bring that to light. Basically, you have to be an obsessive crazy person (Looking Quotes)
If you want to know who you are, look into the true mirror. The flower will reflect your beauty. The sky will reflect your vastness. The ocean will reflect your depth. The child will reflect your innocence. But if you look into the mirror that is unconscious humanity, you are looking into the wrong mirror. Your reflection will be distorted by their projections (Looking Quotes)
Climbing is individual thing, it’s a reflection of yourself. When you put up a route you’re looking at yourself. If you chisel holds, it’s your responsibility, nobody else’s (Looking Quotes)
The beachcomber goes looking for trouble, everything he finds is a sign of trouble. The writer is the same; without trouble he has nothing to work with, so he picks over the tide line, over the bits and pieces of people’s lives with grim fascination (Looking Quotes)
There is nowhere else I’d rather be, nothing else I would prefer to be doing. I am at the beach looking west with the continent behind me as the sun tracks down to the sea. I have my bearings (Looking Quotes)
I was so absolutely riveted, I felt I was looking into the eyes of the artist. Art just closed the gap of time and space. The 16th century became as real to me as the 20th. It was something magical (Looking Quotes)
It’s the attitude about life, man. Looking at the light instead of the dark. Looking at love instead of fear (Looking Quotes)
Ferguson’s out of order. He has lost all sense of reality. He is going out looking for a confrontation, then asking the person he is confronting to apologise. He’s pushed the cork in a bit far this time (Looking Quotes)
The thing we’re all looking for is happiness, and if we achieve just a modicum of that or even a little piece of serenity even for five minutes a day, we’re very lucky (Looking Quotes)
Rid the mind of knowledge when looking for pleasure. Or start thinking and find a lot of pain (Looking Quotes)
Stop looking for a scapegoat in your life but be willing to face the truth within yourself and right your own wrongs (Looking Quotes)
Pain only hurts when you are looking for a reason to quit. You don’t feel a thing when you know you can still win (Looking Quotes)
What does it matter, if we tell the same old stories?... Stories tell us who we are. What we’re capable of. When we go out looking for stories we are, I think, in many ways going in search of ourselves, trying to find understanding of our lives, and the people around us. Stories, and language tell us what’s important (Looking Quotes)
There is no greater love than that a man lays down his life for his neighbor. When you hear someone complaining and you struggle with yourself and do not answer him back with complaints; when you are hurt and bear it patiently, not looking for revenge; then you are laying down your life for your neighbor (Looking Quotes)
I keep going back as if I’m looking for something I have lost. Back to the motherland, sisterland, fatherland. Back to the beacon, the breast, the smell and taste of the breeze, and the singing of the rain (Looking Quotes)
Happiness hides in life’s small details. If you’re not looking, it becomes invisible (Looking Quotes)
Everyone wants to play. They’re just afraid of looking stupid. But you know what’s stupid? Not trying. So just... try (Looking Quotes)
I don’t see my skin aging. I see my skin looking as good, or better, than it did ten years ago... and that makes me smile (Looking Quotes)
You can’t drive into the future if you are looking into a rear vision mirror (Looking Quotes)
Every time I’d go out drinking I was looking for something new. But it was the same every time. I’d wake up in some bed with some person, I had a hangover and a show to do. And the truth is, it was the same every time. But now life is... pretty interesting without the alcohol (Looking Quotes)