Looks Quotes

Text Quotes
So looks the lily after a shower, while drops of rain run gently down its silken leaves, and gather sweetness as they pass (Looks Quotes)
Heaven must scorn the humility which we telegraph thither by genuflection; it must prefer the manliness that stands by all created gifts; and looks itself in the face without pretence of worship (Looks Quotes)
He is less likely to be mistaken who looks forward to a change in the affairs of the world than he who regards them as firm and stable (Looks Quotes)
The little done vanishes from the sight of man, who looks forward to what is still to do (Looks Quotes)
He who lives wisely to himself and his own heart looks at the busy world through the loopholes of retreat, and does not want to mingle in the fray (Looks Quotes)
A proud woman who has learned to submit carries all her pride to the reinforcement of her submission, and looks down with severe superiority on all feminine assumption as unbecoming (Looks Quotes)
Passion looks not beyond the moment of its existence. Better, it says, the kisses of love to day, than the felicities of heaven afar off (Looks Quotes)
The eye that gazes upon the sun sees not the orb it looks upon, confounded by the excess of its brightness (Looks Quotes)
The world looks at ministers out of the pulpit to know what they mean when in it (Looks Quotes)
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it just may be a duck (Looks Quotes)
Grave was the man in years, in looks, in word, his locks were gray, yet was his courage green (Looks Quotes)
Horror itself in that fair scene looks gay, and joy springs up e’en in the midst of fear (Looks Quotes)
Who would with care some happy fiction frame, so mimics truth it looks the very same (Looks Quotes)
Emulation looks out for merits, that she may exalt herself by a victory; envy spies out blemishes that she may lower another by defeat (Looks Quotes)
In kindly showers and sunshine bud the branches of the dull gray wood; out from its sunned and sheltered nooks the blue eye of the violet looks (Looks Quotes)
Women have more strength in their looks than we have in our laws, and more power by their tears, than we have by our arguments (Looks Quotes)
A house of dreams untold, it looks out over the whispering treetops, and faces the setting sun (Looks Quotes)
Men are not to be judged by their looks, habits, and appearances; but by the character of their lives and conversations, and by their works (Looks Quotes)
Two people pass each other. As one looks upon the other’s skin color, the other is looking back at their appearance. Both justifying, how better and righteous they are, in their own insecurities (Looks Quotes)
I tend to go for women with common sense. Being down to earth stands out more than looks (Looks Quotes)
If a girl looks swell when she meets you, who gives a damn if she’s late? Nobody (Looks Quotes)
Books are like a mirror. If an ass looks in, you can’t expect an angel to look out (Looks Quotes)
A book is a mirror: if an ape looks into it an apostle is hardly likely to look out (Looks Quotes)
This looks like a rerun of a bad movie and I’m not interested in watching it (Looks Quotes)
As quickly as you start spending federal money in large amounts, it looks like free money (Looks Quotes)
Your cameraman might enjoy himself, because my face looks like a wedding cake left out in the rain (Looks Quotes)
Mercy is not itself, that oft looks so; Pardon is still the nurse of second woe (Looks Quotes)
But here more slow, where all are slaves to gold, where looks are merchandise, and smiles are sold (Looks Quotes)
Providence looks after all the chumps of this world, and personally, I’m all for it (Looks Quotes)
Books are like mirrors: if a fool looks in, you cannot expect a genius to look out (Looks Quotes)