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Looseness Quotes

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I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels  (Looseness Quotes) I believe in looseness  (Looseness Quotes) You and I wear the dangerous looseness of doom and find it becoming. Life, for eternal us, is now;and now is much too busy being a little more than everything to seem anything, catastrophic included  (Looseness Quotes) Whenever we can make 25 words do the work of 50, we halve the area in which looseness and disorganization can flourish  (Looseness Quotes) Sanity lies somewhere between the inhibitions of conventional morality and the looseness of the extreme impulse  (Looseness Quotes) It’s fun to be loose. Just like on stage, all of your great ideas come from looseness  (Looseness Quotes) In my own life, when I was most inspired by a teacher, it always involved a real dialogue, a looseness and a real caring and compassion. It was not without rigor, not without discipline, not without standards, but all that was done out of love.  (Looseness Quotes) A certain rough-around-the-edges improvisational looseness - a sense of something coming together before your eyes, or not quite - may be one of the things that distinguishes performance art from theater.  (Looseness Quotes) It’s fun to be loose. Just like on stage, all of your great ideas come from looseness.  (Looseness Quotes)