Lord Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m asking you in your sermons to do the work of the Lord here on earth. I ask for your help in getting that message out urgently tomorrow (Lord Quotes)
I’M CONFUSED, because I don’t know why it’s so hard to obey a policeman. You will not win!!! And I don’t know why some policeman abuse their power. Power is a responsibility, not a weapon to brandish and lord over the populace (Lord Quotes)
An artist should make concessions to the listener. That is why Bruckner dedicated one of his symphonies to the Good Lord (Lord Quotes)
Stay in the race. Keep running. Keep walking. Keep praying. The Lord will renew your strength (Lord Quotes)
I can’t remember coming across a more precise evocation of innocence lost since Golding’s The Lord of the Flies. With The Death of Sweet Mister, Daniel Woodrell has written his masterpiece-spare, dark, and incandescently beautiful. It broke my heart (Lord Quotes)
We sing inspirational songs, songs of praise and worship, and about how good and how big God is. We are magnifying the Lord (Lord Quotes)
The only thing one can usually change in one’s situation is oneself. And yet one can’t change that either-only ask Our Lord to do so (Lord Quotes)
Honey, you [Michael Jackson] gotta pick a race first. All of a sudden you’re a black man, then you’re Diana Ross, now you’re Audrey Hepburn. Then he’s got the little beard going on. He’s like Lord of the Rings, the entire cast. Michael’s about to jump species (Lord Quotes)
The Lord’s Supper has been greatly instrumental in keeping His cause alive. It is the voice of all believers preaching the Lord’s death till He come. He who believes that the Lord did come and die for us, and will come again and take us to Himself, and will not hesitate to regard this last request of our Lord and Saviour (Lord Quotes)
Loving others in a biblical manner involves your thoughts, words, and actions and is a sign of your being a disciple of Christ. Loving others biblically is dependent on your commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and is not dependent on people, circumstances, or your feelings (Lord Quotes)
I believe in the spiritual warfare. There are people who pick sides. The lord of this world is Satan. You can do a deal with him to have all the pleasures of this world. You can go to youtube and search Illuminati, and you’ll see stuff you wouldn’t believe about very famous musicians and their musicians that are very clearly Satanic images (Lord Quotes)
As children of God, knowing of His great love and His ultimate knowledge of what is best for our eternal welfare, we trust in Him. The first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and faith means trust (Lord Quotes)
Either we learn to find the Lord in the ordinary everyday life or else we shall never find him (Lord Quotes)
My love for you, Lord, is not an uncertain feeling, but a matter of concious certainty. With your word you pierced my heart, and I loved you. But heaven and earth and everything in them on all sides tell me to love you (Lord Quotes)
The Lord is a Father, the most tender and best of fathers. He cannot fail to be moved when His children appeal to Him (Lord Quotes)
Are you wiser in God (now) than you were last year at this time? Peter says we’re to grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (Lord Quotes)
Be glad, O people of Zion, rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given you the autumn rains in righteousness. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before (Lord Quotes)
I love the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church, which has been restored to the earth in our day. I treasure the teachings of His holy life from newborn infant to resurrected man, Son of God (Lord Quotes)
The scriptures teach us the ways of the Lord. They answer questions about how to live today. They bring a light and a spirit into our lives that we can get in no other way (Lord Quotes)
I am inspired by the lives of good and faithful women. From the beginning of time, the Lord has placed significant trust in them (Lord Quotes)
I was raised Catholic and now I am a Christian and follow of the Lord Jesus Christ. I made the change because the Holy Spirit revealed a truth to me (Lord Quotes)
My point is simply this: I believe I have a calling. Do you know what that calling is? To stand up in a new and hard core, radical way for the Lord. In the process, if I insult a couple of people, if I offend a couple of people, and if I got to shake it up a little bit, as long as it is led by the Holy Spirit, amen (Lord Quotes)
You, too, are loved by the Lord, just as were the disciples of old. You are loved more than you will ever know. He wants you to be successful in your life’s mission! You don’t have to face the experiences of this life alone, nor have you been sent here to fail (Lord Quotes)
Being a playwright of any race is difficult, and Lord knows it gets more difficult the further you get from the middle of the road. I don’t know what kind of magic my mojo is working, but it’s working (Lord Quotes)
I was a witness to lots of death... Saving a human life was something really, really beautiful... no matter who they are. Not only Israeli people owe me their lives. I guarantee many terrorists, many Palestinian leaders, owe me their lives - or in other words, they owe my Lord their lives (Lord Quotes)
The book of ‘The Hobbit’ was given to me to read by a friend of my mother when I was about 12 years old: it set my life on a different path. Next, I read ‘The Lord of The Rings’ trilogy, then ‘The Silmarillion’ and Homers ‘The Odyssey’ and every Greek/Roman/Viking myth book I could get my hands on. Pretty heavy reading for a 12 year old (Lord Quotes)
Hindu philosophy was one of the greatest beneficiaries of the advent and the teachings of the Lord Buddha. I revere Buddha as a reformer of not only Hinduism but also the world, who has given all of us a new world view and vision which is critical for the survival of all of us and the entire world (Lord Quotes)
There are rules and laws to help ensure our physical safety. Likewise, the Lord has provided guidelines and commandments to help ensure our spiritual safety so that we might successfully navigate this often-treachero us mortal existence and return eventually to our Heavenly Father (Lord Quotes)
I don’t miss much about my childhood. I lived in a good neighborhood, a wacky neighborhood. It was a very boy-heavy neighborhood - kind of Lord of the Flies-y. So many weird things happened, funny things (Lord Quotes)
In order to attract us, the Lord grants us many graces that we believe can easily obtain Heaven for us. We do not know, however, that in order to grow, we need hard bread: the cross, humiliation, trials and denials (Lord Quotes)