Losing My Mind Quotes

Text Quotes
I wish losing weight was as easy as losing my mind (Losing My Mind Quotes)
Losing my mind From this hollow in my heart (Losing My Mind Quotes)
I remained to much inside my head and ended up losing my mind (Losing My Mind Quotes)
Sometimes I truly fear that I am losing my mind. And if I did it it would be like flying blind (Losing My Mind Quotes)
Losing my mind sounds so pessimistic. I prefer the term winning my insanity (Losing My Mind Quotes)
I’ve been losing my mind and you don’t even notice. You don’t even care (Losing My Mind Quotes)
My heart pounds sickeningly and I turn pale... I often feel as if I were dead... I seem to be losing my mind (Losing My Mind Quotes)
I’m most afraid of losing my mind. You lose your identity, your sense of who you are, where you are (Losing My Mind Quotes)
Science fiction was never my thing. I have no interest in it. So I don’t think I could successfully pull off being on a project like that without really losing my mind (Losing My Mind Quotes)
I have lived one step away from losing my mind for years. I am quick and accurate in spotting unstable streaks in others (Losing My Mind Quotes)
I fear that I am losing my mind. But really, it would not be such a precious thing to lose, as it only causes me pain (Losing My Mind Quotes)
I am learning how to be alone without being lonely; I am learning how to be lonely without losing my mind (Losing My Mind Quotes)