Losing Quotes

Text Quotes
You can’t play sports without losing sometimes and, in losing, you learn something about grace and how to act under pressure. (Losing Quotes)
I’m very grateful for every thing I have. You know when you start losing that then you start losing what life’s all about. (Losing Quotes)
Every one is special. Especially after the disappointment of last year, losing out on the last day, it is a great achievement by the lads. (Losing Quotes)
We often don’t think of them, we think of the great wars and the great battles, but what about losing a son or a daughter, or a girl losing her husband or vice versa? I think of the people who never got the chance to have the opportunities I had. (Losing Quotes)
The psychological trauma of losing a job can be as great as the trauma of a divorce (Losing Quotes)
If you’ve been a pretty woman and always pursued by lovers, losing that and not having that - it feels like a great loss. (Losing Quotes)
I don’t gamble, because winning a hundred dollars doesn’t give me great pleasure. But losing a hundred dollars pisses me off. (Losing Quotes)
I had a calling inside of me. I had a sense that when I was going through experiences like living on the streets, losing my parents to AIDS, just having my whole world turned upside-down, there was this feeling inside of me like I was meant for something greater. (Losing Quotes)
I talk about things like how to lose without losing identity. All loss and grief feels like when you transition. (Losing Quotes)
I’m sorry for losing my temper following the race, but after a day or two of looking back at the race it’s easy to realize that it’s just not that big of a deal compared with what the people of the Gulf Coast are still going through. (Losing Quotes)
The United States encouraged Iraqis to rise up after Saddam Hussein’s army was driven out of Kuwait. Washington assumed Saddam was weak after losing the 1991 Gulf War. Iraqis rose up, but Saddam’s troops killed thousands - Iraqis say tens of thousands - in a counter-offensive. (Losing Quotes)
Several years ago, I began losing my hair, and like a lot of men, it was a major concern to me, in fact it was practically an obsession. But, also I’m an actor, so I’m in the public eye a lot and I really felt that my hair loss could affect my career prospects. (Losing Quotes)
The surprise is half the battle. Many things are half the battle, losing is half the battle. Let’s think about what’s the whole battle. (Losing Quotes)
Money alone isn’t enough to bring happiness... happiness is when you’re actually truly ok with losing everything you have. (Losing Quotes)
It’s hard for me to worry about the studios losing money. I’m not very sympathetic to their money problems, because they certainly haven’t been sympathetic to mine. (Losing Quotes)
Losing time is harder than death, as losing time keeps you away from Allah and the Hereafter, while death keeps you away from the worldly life and people. (Losing Quotes)
I think the hardest thing is losing weight. That’s the hardest thing more than anything else. (Losing Quotes)
I have no fear of losing my life - if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it. (Losing Quotes)
I do have a fundamental concern about us losing control of our own destiny, and this is not just about the euro. You can expand and extend it into the whole constitutional issue. The British people have been suckered with regard to how the whole currency and constitutional issues have been sold to them. (Losing Quotes)
If you don’t have a job, you don’t have a fear of losing it. You fear having to get one. (Losing Quotes)
When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways - either by losing hope and falling into self-destructive habits, or by using the challenge to find our inner strength. Thanks to the teachings of Buddha, I have been able to take this second way. (Losing Quotes)
The most important thing in my life is Christ. He’s more important than winning or losing or whether I’m playing or not. Everything else is just a bonus. (Losing Quotes)
You don’t spend most of your life in other people’s heads without losing every prejudice you ever had. (Losing Quotes)
I think that people always say when people pass away that time heals all wounds. And that’s probably the biggest lie. It’s not true. I think we all need to remember that it is always still tough, and it’s like losing a piece of your heart. (Losing Quotes)
We are losing our living systems, social systems, cultural systems, governing systems, stability, and our constitutional health, and we’re surrendering it all at the same time. (Losing Quotes)
Instead of trying to increase your metabolism with the goal of losing weight, try to slow your metabolism with a low-calorie, high-nutrient diet for a longer, healthier life. (Losing Quotes)
I put my hand on my chest, a habit I never quite shook after losing my heart (Losing Quotes)
A lover’s life lies in death. You shall not find a heart without losing the heart. (Losing Quotes)