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Loss Quotes

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You cannot measure the loss of a human life. It’s all the things a person was, all their dreams, all the people who loved them, all they hoped to be and could give back to the world  (Loss Quotes) They marched. Not for themselves. They marched to remember the ones who didn’t make it back. They marched because seeing so much loss can teach you about life. they marched because we’re all fighting a war whether we know it or not... a war for our minds and souls and what we believe in  (Loss Quotes) There’s a moment when love makes you believe in death for the first time. You recognize the one whose loss, even contemplated, you’ll carry forever, like a sleeping child. All grief, anyone’s grief... is the weight of a sleeping child  (Loss Quotes) Could fulfillment ever be felt as deeply as loss? Romantically she decided that love must surely reside in the gap between desire and fulfillment, in the lack, not the contentment. Love was the ache, the anticipation, the retreat, everything around it but the emotion itself  (Loss Quotes) The bottom line is down where it belongs – at the bottom. Far above it in importance are the infinite number of events that produce the profit or loss  (Loss Quotes) Our world was created with a sense of order. For every loss, there is a gain. Sometimes we are so blinded by the loss that we don’t see the gain, don’t recognize the gift  (Loss Quotes) If it is perfectly acceptable for a widow to disfigure herself or commit suicide to save face for her husband’s family, why should a mother not be moved to extreme action by the loss of a child or children? We are their caretakers. We love them. We nurse them when they are sick... But no woman should live longer than her children. It is against the law of nature. If she does, why wouldn’t she wish to leap from a cliff, hang from a branch, or swallow lye?  (Loss Quotes) All these tears shed in the world, where do they go? If one could capture all of them, they could water the parched. Then perhaps these tears would have value and all this grief would have some meaning. Otherwise, it was all a waste, just an endless cycle of birth and death; of love and loss  (Loss Quotes) Everyone underestimates their own life. Funny thing is, in the end, all our stories... they’re the same. In fact, no matter where you go in the world, there is only one important story: of youth, loss and yearning for redemption. So we tell the same story, over and over. Only the details are different  (Loss Quotes) There really is only one ending to any story. Human life ends in death. Until then, it keeps going and gets complicated and there’s loss. Everything involves loss; every relationship ends in one way or another  (Loss Quotes) Worry is the secret weapon perpetrated upon us by the dark forces of the world that lurk in the shape of fear, uncertainty, confusion, and loss. We, on the other hand, have our own secret weapon against these incorporeal fiends. It is laughter  (Loss Quotes) I think that’s the real loss of innocence: the first time you glimpse the boundaries that will limit your potential  (Loss Quotes) If we have not struggled/as hard as we can/at our strongest/how will we sense/the shape of our losses/or know what sustains/us longest or name/what change costs us,/saying how strange/it is that one sector/of the self can step in/for another in trouble,/how loss activates/a latent double, how/we can feed/as upon nectar/upon need?  (Loss Quotes) Only one thing remained reachable, close and secure amid all losses: language. Yes, language. In spite of everything, it remained secure against loss  (Loss Quotes) The revolution taught me not to be consoled by other people’s miseries, not to feel thankful because so many others had suffered more. Pain and loss, like love and joy, are unique and personal; they cannot be modified by comparison to others  (Loss Quotes) Sometimes you walk past a pretty girl on the street there’s something beyond beauty in her face, something warm and smart and inviting, and in the three seconds you have to look at her, you actually fall in love, and in those moments, you can actually know the taste of her kiss, the feel of her skin against yours, the sound of her laugh, how she’ll look at you and make you whole. And then she’s gone, and in the five seconds afterwards, you mourn her loss with more sadness than you’ll ever admit to  (Loss Quotes) It is no loss to mankind when one writer decides to call it a day. When a tree falls in the forest, who cares but the monkeys?  (Loss Quotes) Memory is a slippery thing. When something terrible happens to you, like the loss of someone you love... memory can turn into a soft blanket that hides you from the loss  (Loss Quotes) In the caves of my heart, where pain taps out its rhythms and sorrow sets its loss, I am without direction  (Loss Quotes) Once I heard my mother say that each of us lives in a separate universe, one we have dreamed into being. We love pople when their dream coincides with ours, the way two cutout designs laid one on top of the other might match. But dream worlds are not static like cutouts; sooner or later they change shape, leading to misunderstanding, loneliness and loss of love  (Loss Quotes) Something I tried to hold onto, to touch if only for a moment, but it slipped away from me like the air, like an illusion, or a dream that floats away and is lost. I wept in my sleep as though it was something I was losing now; a loss I was experiencing for the first time, and not something I had lost a long time ago  (Loss Quotes) The song is languid and speaks of love and loneliness and loss. Why does love seem to go with the sad things?  (Loss Quotes) And wonder, dread and war have lingered in that land where loss and love in turn have held the upper hand  (Loss Quotes) I wondered if he could ever understand that it was a blessing, not a sin, to be graced with more than one love. It could be complicated; of course it could be complicated. And it opened one up to the possibility of more pain and loss. Still, it was a blessing I would never relinquish. Love, genuine love, was always a cause for joy  (Loss Quotes) You can’t have real pain without real love. You can’t feel grief and loss and hurt without real love. Love is the only way you can ever be really hurt deep down  (Loss Quotes) I’ve grieved enough for his life cut short and for mine for running on for so long with so little in it. It’s weakness now, but I suppose I am crying out of a general sense of loss. Maybe I am mourning for the human condition  (Loss Quotes) The loss of quality that is so evident at every level of spectacular language, from the objects it glorifies to the behavior it regulates, stems from the basic nature of a production system that shuns reality. The commodity form reduces everything to quantitative equivalence. The quantitative is what it develops, and it can develop only within the quantitative  (Loss Quotes) Hope in the beginning feels like such a violation of the loss, and yet without it we couldn’t survive  (Loss Quotes) What stays with me most is a general sense of loss, unease, and longing for the past that cannot be relieved  (Loss Quotes) To see and feel one’s beloved naked for the first time is one of life’s pure, irreducible epiphanies. If there is a true religion in the universe, it must include that truth of contact or be forever hollow. To make love to the one true person who deserves that love is one of the few absolute rewards of being a human being, balancing all of the pain, loss, awkwardness, loneliness, idiocy, compromise, and clumsiness that go with the human condition. To make love to the right person makes up for a lot of mistakes  (Loss Quotes)
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