Loss Quotes

Text Quotes
Nostalgia wouldn’t begin to capture your sense of loss, ... The Way We Really Are Coming to Terms With America’s Changing Families. (Loss Quotes)
In Sheffield, we need support from the community and for the community. We need integration with no loss of heritage, and a clear appreciation of what is and is not acceptable. (Loss Quotes)
NBC News found that FEMA has redrawn maps even for properties that have repeatedly filed claims for flood losses from previous storms. At least some of the properties are on the secret ‘repetitive loss list’ that FEMA sends to communities to alert them to problem properties. (Loss Quotes)
Following Michael Brown’s death, I went to Ferguson and met with his parents. I stood with them as they tried to hold their heads high and deal with both their immense loss and the larger issues of police-community relations. (Loss Quotes)
The revolution taught me not to be consoled by other people’s miseries, not to feel thankful because so many others had suffered more. Pain and loss, like love and joy, are unique and personal; they cannot be modified by comparison to others. (Loss Quotes)
I don’t think when people sign up for a life of doing something they love to do they should have to sign up for a complete loss of privacy. I understand a little loss of privacy coming with the job. (Loss Quotes)
I’m a girl who enjoys a great meal with great friends, so I’m not really that concerned about weight loss. (Loss Quotes)
... while in theory digital technology entails the flawless replication of data, its actual use in contemporary society is characterized by the loss of data, degradation, and noise; the noise which is even stronger than that of traditional photography. (Loss Quotes)
We continued to move forward without loss of time, hoping to be able to reach the wood described by the Indians before all our horses should become exhausted. (Loss Quotes)
I suppose while we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil; and while he has left us, others are coming into the world at the same time, and probably in this our territory. There is a continuous change, an ingress of beings into the world and an egress out of it. (Loss Quotes)
Pornography. . .overtakes lives, causing loss of the Spirit, distorted feelings, deceit, damaged relationships, loss of self-control, and nearly total consumption of time, thought, and energy. (Loss Quotes)
My recipes aren’t geared towards women; my books are marketed towards women because women are the biggest market for weight loss, weight management and weight maintenance and for cooking. (Loss Quotes)
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power. (Loss Quotes)
I was horrified. Absolutely heart sick. All I could think of was that after 23 years together, I’d lost my faithful ally. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t get the loss out of my mind. It was like discovering that someone in my family had died. (Loss Quotes)
I’ve been a fan of old country music, like Willie Nelson, Patsy Cline. I think I’m drawn to it because of the sense of sadness and sort of loss that a lot of good old country music has. (Loss Quotes)
Justice must be done in investigating the tragic death of Mr. Freddie Gray. His family deserves our deepest sympathy and respect for their loss, and our admiration for their courage in calling us, as a city, to act as our better selves. (Loss Quotes)
In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be ?replaced? by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten. (Loss Quotes)
I’m learning a lot about the culture of weight loss. I didn’t know there were bloggers out there who were proud to be fat. (Loss Quotes)
When I was sixteen I started acting, and I also started to embrace my tradition and culture. I had a young medicine man interpret for me what it is to be an Indian. He really caught me at a good time because I was really vulnerable after the loss of my parents with all of the feelings of abandonment. (Loss Quotes)
When the Dodgers left, it was not only a loss of a team, it was the disruption of a social pattern. A total destruction of a culture. (Loss Quotes)
Here’s the secret to weight loss: It’s all about crowding out, not cutting out (Loss Quotes)
My dad died in May of 97. The effects of his death immediately were not all that hard, but a year or two later it hit, when my job as Dad was sort of done and I was sending my kids to college. And somehow, the emotional intensity of that event mixed with the loss of my own dad, was kind of upsetting. (Loss Quotes)
I believe that the ‘dark night of the soul’ is a common spiritual experience. I believe, too, that the answer is continued seeking and perseverance. It helps to know that others have endured a loss of faith. (Loss Quotes)
Back up everything! You are not invulnerable. Catastrophic data loss can happen to you - one worm or Trojan is all it takes. (Loss Quotes)
The estimated loss of up to six million dead is founded too much on both emotional, biased testimonies and on exaggerated data in the postwar reckonings of war crimes and on the squaring of accounts with the defeated. (Loss Quotes)
The writing of poetry is a chancy business, it’s currency solitude and loss, its tools coffee and too much wine, its hours midnight, dawn, and dusk, and unlike other trade the hours asleep are not time off. (Loss Quotes)
In my normal life, I do not speak with an accent. It’s harder for people to realize my hearing loss in everyday life. (Loss Quotes)
If watching your child die is a parent’s worst nightmare, imagine having to tell your other child that his sister is dead... Although I am certain that he cried, that we all cried, what I remember more is how we collapsed into each other, as if the weight of our loss literally crushed us. (Loss Quotes)
I would never think of crying about any loss of an office, because that’s always a possibility, and if you’re professional, then you deal with it professionally. (Loss Quotes)
Where do we enroll in Life 101? Where are the classes dealing with the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, the failure of a relationship? Unfortunately, those lessons are mostly learned through trial by fire and the school of hard knocks. (Loss Quotes)