Loss Someone Quotes

Text Quotes
Someone else’s loss is my chocolatey goodness (Loss Someone Quotes)
Persecutors fear loss of control. Rescuers fear loss of purpose. Rescuers need Victims-someone to protect or fix-to bolster their self-esteem (Loss Someone Quotes)
Getting over someone is a grieving process. You mourn the loss of the relationship, and that’s only expedited by ‘Out of sight, out of mind.’ But when you walk outside and see them on a billboard or on TV or on the cover of a magazine, it reopens the wound. It’s a high-class problem, but it’s real (Loss Someone Quotes)
You know, your first album is about really amazing things. Your first album is always about coming of age, first love, first loss, usually you suffer a first loss of someone that you love to death, even, you know, really big life lessons, things you learn from your parents’ divorce or from the travels that you took (Loss Someone Quotes)
If you write something that gets a bad response, or someone commits candor or is off message, there are often consequences almost immediately when it appears in the paper or a magazine, that somebody gets called into the boss’s office. And sometimes it can result in a loss of access for the reporter. (Loss Someone Quotes)
There is a big difference to someone being born with vision loss, to a kid having vision loss, to a senior having macular degeneration and losing their sight. (Loss Someone Quotes)
My success has been something I’ve worked a long time at and it’s been a gradual process. I compare it to the idea of someone losing a lot of weight over a period of a few years. You don’t really notice the weight loss overall but if you compare photos from then and now there’s a big difference. (Loss Someone Quotes)
I think the biggest thing that I have to do is to remind people that poetry is there for us to turn to not only to remind us that we’re not alone - for example, if we are grieving the loss of someone - but also to help us celebrate our joys. That’s why so many people I know who’ve gotten married will have a poem read at the wedding. (Loss Someone Quotes)
I had written two or three books before my husband noticed that in every one of them a family member was missing. He suggested that it was because my father’s death, when I was five, utterly changed my world. I can only suppose he is right and that this is the reason I am drawn to a narrative where someone’s life is changed by loss. (Loss Someone Quotes)
When someone fears losing your affection, he or she will strive to keep it. Perhaps you have strived to keep someone’s affection, too. Fear of loss is not love. (Loss Someone Quotes)
When someone dies, it is like when your house burns down; it isn’t for years that you realize the full extent of your loss. (Loss Someone Quotes)
In the deaf community, in order to play a role of someone with a hearing loss... you have to have hearing loss (Loss Someone Quotes)
For someone grieving, moving forward is the challenge. Because after extreme loss, you want to go back (Loss Someone Quotes)
Be honest! You are not going to want to admit energy loss. Someone is making it hard for you to look (Loss Someone Quotes)