Lost Quotes

Text Quotes
If women lose the right to say where and how they birth their children, then they will have lost something that’s as dear to life as breathing (Lost Quotes)
In order really to write one has to sink deep into the self and become lost there (Lost Quotes)
What happened to your hand? It got hit by a mirror. How’d that happen? I lost my temper at myself (Lost Quotes)
What’s the good of these great fragile fits of enthusiasm, these jaded jumps of joys? We know nothing anymore, but the dead stars; we gaze at their faces; and we gasp with pleasure. Our mouths are dry as the lost beaches, and our eyes turn aimlessly and without hope. Now all that remain are these cafés where we meet to drink these cool drinks, these diluted spirits, and the tables are stickier than the pavements where our shadows of the day before have fallen (Lost Quotes)
Every day you amass knowledge in a frantic race against death that death must win. You want to find out everything in the time you have; yet in the end you wonder why you bothered, it’ll all be lost. I keep trying to explain this to anyone who will listen (Lost Quotes)
No domestic animal can be as still as a wild animal. The civilized people have lost the aptitude of stillness, and must take lessons in silence from the wild before they are accepted by it (Lost Quotes)
A rainy day can actually be a very important day. And a small hope isn’t really small if it makes a lost hope less sad (Lost Quotes)
I always think of it like this: Rather than be the sun to someone and light up everything around them, I want to be the moon and light the way just a little in front of them when they are lost or uncertain in the darkness, and always be there with them when they look up. That’s my way of living (Lost Quotes)
I finally accept that not only do I not understand the death of my relationship, but I do not need to. These men were good and kind to me, they loved me and I loved them back and the shock at the finish holds no wisdom. The revelation is not that I lost them, but that I had them (Lost Quotes)
Forgiveness has its comforts, but it can never give you back what you’ve lost (Lost Quotes)
I have this recurring nightmare where I’m lost in a strange forest, and my only hope is your sense of direction. Enough to give a fellow the sweats, it is (Lost Quotes)
Lost in my dreams, I somehow cross at the traffic signals, bumping into street lamps or people, yet moving onward, exuding fumes of beer and grime, yet smiling, because my briefcase is full of books and that very night I expect them to tell me things about myself I don’t know (Lost Quotes)
To be born means being compelled to choose an era, a place, a life. To exist here, now, means to lost the possibility of being countless other potential selves.. Yet once being born there is no turning back. And I think that’s exactly why the fantasy worlds of cartoon movies so strongly represent our hopes and yearnings. They illustrate a world of lost possibilities for us (Lost Quotes)
Stories are compasses and architecture, we navigate by them, we build our sanctuaries and our prisons out of them, and to be without a story is to be lost in the vastness of a world that spreads in all directions like arctic tundra or sea ice (Lost Quotes)
People could not get enough of what they had lost, even if they no longer wanted it (Lost Quotes)
Somewhere, all the people we have loved and lost are still among us, in the house that we call history (Lost Quotes)
It’s true. somewhere inside us we are all the ages we have ever been. We’re the 3 year old who got bit by the dog. We’re the 6 year old our mother lost track of at the mall. We’re the 10 year old who get tickled till we wet our pants. We’re the 13 year old shy kid with zits. We’re the 16 year old no one asked to the prom, and so on. We walk around in the bodies of adults until someone presses the right button and summons up one of those kids (Lost Quotes)
I’ve been searching a long time for something I think I lost. I felt like I found something when I saw you back there (Lost Quotes)
Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of pleasures, costs nothing, and conveys much (Lost Quotes)
If businesses are to redeem themselves in the eyes of the public and regain the trust that they have lost, they should worry a lot more about what they stand for and entrust those with expertise in communication a much freer rein to express this in ways that people might recognise as being sincere and sympathetic, rather than stilted and formulaic (Lost Quotes)
No matter how successful I become as a playwright, my mother would be thrilled to hear me tell her that I’d just lost twenty pounds, gotten married and become a lawyer (Lost Quotes)
Husbands come and go; children come and eventually they go. Friends grow up and move away. But the one thing that’s never lost is your sister (Lost Quotes)
One of the rules of history is that people do not write about what is too obvious to mention. And so the information, having never been recorded, is now lost for ever (Lost Quotes)
Seldom was any knowledge given to keep, but to impart; the grace of this rich jewel is lost in concealment (Lost Quotes)
The teacher manages to get along still with the cumbersome algebraic analysis, in spite of its difficulties and imperfections, and avoids the smooth infinitesimal calculus, although the eighteenth century shyness toward it had long lost all point (Lost Quotes)
He hasn’t lost his vision. That’s one thing. He’s good. The guy is smooth and knows how to set up blocks. He’s a veteran, too. It’s fun to watch him run. Hopefully everything works out all right physically, but certainly he looks good so far (Lost Quotes)
Spiritual life is absolute reality. Krishna is real but we have lost the ability to realize him (Lost Quotes)
The fact that we have not had a terrorist attack in this country in the last six years is not a cause for complacency or a time to celebrate the end of the struggle. The threat is not going away. The enemy has not lost interest... Fundamentally, we’re in a struggle about ideology. Terrorists want to remake the world in their own image and it is the image that is intolerant of the kinds of institutions that we cherish (Lost Quotes)
Life and death are of supreme importance. Time swiftly passes by and opportunity is lost. Each of us should strive to awaken. Awaken. Take heed, do not squander your life (Lost Quotes)
In our desire to impose form on the world and our lives we have lost the capacity to see the form that is already there; and in that lies not liberation but alienation, the cutting off from things as they really are (Lost Quotes)