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Lotion Quotes

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Money is the best lotion in the world  (Lotion Quotes) I got bath water you could soak in, things I could do with lotion  (Lotion Quotes) I don't like lotion. I like my hands to be cracked and calloused like a railway worker  (Lotion Quotes) It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told  (Lotion Quotes) Let’s agree to never tell anyone I rubbed suntan lotion on your back  (Lotion Quotes) Black people use body lotion every single day  (Lotion Quotes) My condolences to a white person on once again experiencing sticker shock from buying suntan lotion  (Lotion Quotes) My must-have hair products are Phyto silk spray and Kusco-Murphy setting lotion  (Lotion Quotes) There’s no lotion or potion that will make sales faster and easier for you - unless your potion is hard work.  (Lotion Quotes) Forgiveness is a clean lotion that heals the wounds of misunderstandings! To iron out the differences; get the painful sores dressed up; Forgive and Forget!  (Lotion Quotes) The one thing I do like is lotion and moisture on my hands and face. I love to have my face moisturized. I like different ones. I like Natura Bisse.  (Lotion Quotes) She had left her legs bare, and if he wasn’t mistaken, they had a slight sheen. He realized she’d caught him staring when she cleared her throat.Are your legs...sparkly? he managed to ask, feeling the need to explain since he’d been caught leering.My body lotion has a little bit of glitter in it, she said with a trace of diffidence.She seemed apologetic. For what, he had no idea.  (Lotion Quotes) People send you stuff if you say you’re interested in something. I have a tonne of body lotion. So I could mention I was interested in, you know, surfing, and some company would send me a surfboard.  (Lotion Quotes) If my legs are showing, the makeup artist adds a tiny amount of foundation to body lotion and rubs it in.  (Lotion Quotes) That awkward moment when you have to much lotion on and don’t know where to put it  (Lotion Quotes) I love to put on lotion. Sometimes I’ll watch TV and go into a lotion trance for an hour. I try to find brands that don’t taste bad in case anyone wants to taste me  (Lotion Quotes) This suntan lotion acts as an accelerator and an extender, meaning that this fire will burn brighter and longer  (Lotion Quotes) Be sure to wear a good cologne, a nice aftershave lotion, and a strong underarm deodorant. And it might be a good idea to wear some clothes, too  (Lotion Quotes) My grandma told me never, ever, ever to use soap on my face. But I do use lotion  (Lotion Quotes) Even if you apply any kind of lotion and straighten your hair you will never be white  (Lotion Quotes) The camera can be the most deadly weapon since the assassin’s bullet. Or it can be the lotion of the heart  (Lotion Quotes) Tears are nature's lotion for the eyes. The eyes see better for being washed by them  (Lotion Quotes)