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Phillip Harrison was the production designer, though, I think he’s uncredited. He’s done most of my films like Blue Thunder. Lots and lots over the years  (Lots Quotes) I think quite often a fate worse than death is life - for lots of people  (Lots Quotes) I want to go back to Brazil, get married, have lots of kids, and just be a couch tomato  (Lots Quotes) The strange thing is that since I’ve been offered lots of films I think that maybe they think that I’ve sold out to Hollywood. Which is not the case if anybody’s listening  (Lots Quotes) The public’s got it right, a lot of NBA stars are arrogant and like to spend lots of money and have lots of girlfriends and all that  (Lots Quotes) I have lots of interests, but it’s true that dancing is a very full-time job  (Lots Quotes) I hope lots of people will join the solidarity march on May 7th and I hope things will change  (Lots Quotes) That’s the dirty little secret of Mormon growth. Lots of baptisms don’t necessarily translate into long - term membership  (Lots Quotes) I think America needs lots of tough people. Not just me. I think America needs to get tougher, all of us  (Lots Quotes) That’s why I haven’t been so anxious. But now, lots of people write and say, ‘I want to find out what you’re doing.’ So I know that this book will enlighten them  (Lots Quotes) I think there is something barbaric in children, and it’s missing in lots of books for them because we don’t like to think of it. We want them to be happy [but] childhood is a very tough time  (Lots Quotes) I initially studied literature [in France], and then I went to cinema school. I discovered the Cinematheque, and saw not only action movies and westerns, but also lots of serious movies  (Lots Quotes) Well, there’s Katrina, but you can go through lots of Kurdistan and it looks like Katrina was just there but there’s people living in it  (Lots Quotes) I’ve always had lots of friends who share my perspective - I guess you could say that I’m a guy who aggressively pursues his happiness  (Lots Quotes) Being open source meant that I could work on the technical side (along with lots of other people), and others who had the interest and inclination could start up companies around it  (Lots Quotes) There is lots of pressure to make a GOOD film. And not just a GOOD film but one that will somehow stand out in the sea of GOOD films  (Lots Quotes) The success of Harry Potter has given me lots of freedom. I can pay my bills, and I don’t have to prove anything to anyone anymore  (Lots Quotes) There are lots of authentic, moving characters in so-called systems novels, just as there are certainly deep structural ideas in some character-driven novels  (Lots Quotes) You’re just being cryptic again. It’s like soap opera sex. Lots of boring dialogue and when they finally do go to bed, everything’s dark and covered by blankets  (Lots Quotes) It’s all background experience and listening and exposure. That’s why it’s so important for people today and during any time to expose your children to lots of different kinds of things  (Lots Quotes) I was a songwriter and I’ve written some good songs, but there are lots of greater songs that I know I have inside yet to come out  (Lots Quotes) A lot of our young people are sleep-walking, dreaming that they’re awake, and lots of aspects of society initially go about keeping it so  (Lots Quotes) I’ve seen lots of Halloween people dressed up like me and they’ll send me pictures. And I found that very rewarding to know that I’ve reached anyone  (Lots Quotes) You might be a redneck if you saved lots of money on your honeymoon by going deer hunting  (Lots Quotes) I don’t really know how to live my life, just like lots of other people don’t. I guess you just learn along the way  (Lots Quotes) Black people drink lots of beer. However, you won’t see us skiing down a mountain for one, or see us diving for Frisbees on concrete for one  (Lots Quotes) Lots of the bands [in New Orleans] couldn’t read too much music. So they used a fiddle to play the lead - a fiddle player could read - and that was to give them some protection  (Lots Quotes) There’s lots of ways people can be dependent, on another person, or drugs  (Lots Quotes) I’m definitely always drawn to the injustice of people who have been imprisoned for things they didn’t do. But also lots about abortion and gay marriage. Civil issues are usually what I am drawn to  (Lots Quotes) In fact, in Europe, I’m more kind of this bloke what writes lots of stuff  (Lots Quotes)
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