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Making a film from the point of view of a young boy’s eyes opened the door to another universe with lots of freedom and to explore a new dimension. This was achieved as I started doing things that were close to what exists in a child’s universe.  (Lots Quotes) We used to have lots of questions to which there were no answers. Now, with the computer, there are lots of answers to which we haven’t thought up questions.  (Lots Quotes) Unfortunately, on one or both of my shoulders sits lots of anxiety and that is a controlling factor in my life.  (Lots Quotes) I think a lot of people, even Christians, are willing to be satisfied with gaining lots and lots of biblical knowledge - and many people go to Bible studies and don’t realize it isn’t enough to know what’s right, it’s applying the information and the knowledge that you have.  (Lots Quotes) When you have to do all the more crappy jobs before, you appreciate all the good work that comes out of that. There are many girls who immediately have a top model career, and there are lots of models who are doing things that aren’t as exciting as doing big campaigns and beautiful magazines.  (Lots Quotes) Nashville is a boys’ club of redneck conservative ideas. But they’re ready to embrace gay people. I never felt for one second that someone was judging me. Some people are like, ‘Oh, I love gay people’ in that ‘I have lots of black friends’ kind of way. It’s awkward, but you have to appreciate that they’re trying.  (Lots Quotes) Countries with lots of unmarried young men are the most vulnerable to sudden upheavals - this is what fueled the Arab Spring.  (Lots Quotes) Comics are just another medium to express yourself. It’s not cinema; it’s not literature; it’s just something else. It has a specific requirement, which is that images are used to tell the story. There are lots of crappy movies, with guns and action and Arnold Schwarzenegger or whatever.  (Lots Quotes) Of course, I did lots of what would be called graphic design now, what used to be called commercial art.  (Lots Quotes) Some people get lots of pleasure; From books or from music or art; But boys seem to think it’s fantastic; To just have a really good fart.  (Lots Quotes) In Greenville, we were blessed to have lots of youth arts programs. I changed middle schools to go to an arts middle school. Then, when high school came, I went to normal high school for a little while before auditioning for the Governor’s School for Arts and Humanities.  (Lots Quotes) Catcher in the Rye had a profound impact on me-the idea that we all have lots of dreams that are slowly being chipped away as we grow up.  (Lots Quotes) We could adopt. there are lots of kids out there who could grow up to hate us as much as any kid we could make  (Lots Quotes) It’s funny because I think, as a general rule, that people seem to think that if you do lots of different things over the course of, like, a timeline, it means that you kind of disregard what you did before. But that’s not true of me. I still genuinely like everything I did as much as I liked it when I released it.  (Lots Quotes) I think everyone has their own style in journalism. Look, I’m a girl from the South! Sometimes I laugh. Someone can pejoratively call it giggling. But if you look at the body of my work, I ask lots of hard questions and break a lot of hard news.  (Lots Quotes) The reality is even if you are a hands-on Mayor or Governor or chief executive, at best, you must know about 10 or 20% of what’s going on. Otherwise, you never get through the day... I was very hands on, and there’s lots of stuff I didn’t know, and lots of things that either went wrong or right that I would find out about afterwards.  (Lots Quotes) Kennedy after all has lots of glamour - Gregory Peck with an atom bomb in his holster  (Lots Quotes) I still do lots of gigs where I’m the support act and people are chatting through my set, but I’ve got better at grabbing attention. I mean, my parents would play on bills with people like Judas Priest and get booed all the way through. But they stuck it out, got tough.  (Lots Quotes) My secret is simple. I have a very short attention span, and writing lots of things fast appeases that very attention span.  (Lots Quotes) I remember being, like, the age of 7 and just always being in control of something or someone, a baby somewhere. I had lots of cousins and brothers, and we were all taught that’s how you are, you know. Things don’t just run themselves; you have to make them run.  (Lots Quotes) It’s always good to leave a little space between eating and lying down in bed at the end of the day. The best thing to eat at night in general is protein, fat, and vegetables. For instance, if you’re in an Italian restaurant, have chicken piccata with lemon-butter sauce, lots of vegetables, and a big salad. You’ll sleep like a baby.  (Lots Quotes) In most places and times in human history, babies have had not just one person but lots of people around who were really paying attention to them around, dedicated to them, cared to them, were related to them. I think the big shift in our culture is the isolation in which many children are growing up.  (Lots Quotes) Go Back Home’ encompasses not only actual geographic location but also, for me, back home in the worlds of music and theatre, and back home in terms of making albums again. There are lots of meanings to that.  (Lots Quotes) I revise a lot while I’m drafting, often going back to the beginning again and again to revise because I’ve changed massive things about the story. By the time I get to the end of a first draft, I’ve been through the beginning lots of times.  (Lots Quotes) I guess I was a bad boy... Yes, yes, I’ve had lots of women in my life.  (Lots Quotes) I’d like to be more of a bad influence than a role model. I’m getting lots of boys to wear eye-liner again which is good.  (Lots Quotes) I have lots of clothes that I don’t wear because I’m bad for impulse buying. They sit in my cupboard looking forlorn, but if I haven’t worn something for a couple of months, I usually realise that it would be much better off in one of my friends’ wardrobes.  (Lots Quotes) When I have bad days, I just eat lots of chocolate ice cream and dance to the ‘Lion King’ soundtrack. It’s really odd, but it’s true.  (Lots Quotes) I’m active even on bad days; it’s tough to pin me down. People ask me if I’m a morning or night person. I’m an all-the-time person. I like drinking coffee, but I do it with lots of milk because my energy levels are high even without caffeine. You could call me Obelix, except I don’t have a belly.  (Lots Quotes) I have this friend who has a theory that lots of towns have energies. And, for instance, certain places in Alabama have bad ones because they were built on reservations or built on cemeteries or something. But Nashville has a really gravitational, magnetic pull.  (Lots Quotes)
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