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My mother was a children’s librarian, and I was raised on lots of English children’s literature. It gave me this weird idea that I was English.  (Lots Quotes) Ottolenghi sells lots of delicious sweet things, but my daily addiction is their unbelievable dark chocolate salted caramel biscuits. They’re the best things in the world - I go through half a packet every night. I bring them out after pudding at dinner parties.  (Lots Quotes) I love good food. For me, that means lots of green juice, salad, and good dark chocolate.  (Lots Quotes) I would snack on crisps and chocolate and my meals weren’t the best. I ate lots of steak with creamy sauces, chips and peas, washed down with wine and a pudding.  (Lots Quotes) I believe that for lots of churches and religious institutions, their main focus on the development of faith among parishioners needs to spread to the community.  (Lots Quotes) God has lots of children in the church today; I’m honestly not sure He has many friends  (Lots Quotes) I grew up in eastern Kentucky, and we would sing in the churches, and there’s lots of good mountain church singers out there. Like a lot of folks who turn out to be secular music artists, that’s a lot of the training you put in, whether you know it or not.  (Lots Quotes) We bless the organized church structures and their meetings. But if there are 10,000 others that meet outside of these ecclesiastical structures, that’s wonderful, too. The kingdom of God moves forward in lots and lots of ways.  (Lots Quotes) Much of my experience with language was formed in the church, which has an oral tradition. There are lots of repetitions in prayers and song refrains. There’s a sense of incantation, that if you call not once and not twice but for a third time, the spirit appears.  (Lots Quotes) I love living in the country, so much so that I’m even surprised by it. I have met lots of interesting people - the community was really welcoming, and I now probably have a more interesting social life than I did in the city.  (Lots Quotes) It doesn’t matter if you come from the inner city. People who fail in life are people who find lots of excuses. It’s never too late for a person to recognize that they have potential in themselves.  (Lots Quotes) Amsterdam is not Holland. It is a city that attracts people from all over Holland. And lots of international tourists and party people.  (Lots Quotes) In any city with lots of skyscrapers, lots of skyline, the moon seems bigger than it is. It’s called the moon illusion.  (Lots Quotes) There are lots of countries that are having these kinds of internal civil wars in other parts of the world and nobody is talking about intervening.  (Lots Quotes) I won’t allow magazines in the house. When I was younger, I wanted to have my hair cut like so-and-so in the class above me at school, not somebody in a magazine. You see young girls trying to dress like so-and-so because they’ve seen lots of pictures of them.  (Lots Quotes) Berlin is in a state of transition. There are lots of people who don’t stay here. They pass through. They might not ‘clean up,’ but they mature. It is a city where people spend a significant time in their lives, and then they move on.  (Lots Quotes) I eat lots of fruit for breakfast because it’s cleansing and quickly digested by the body  (Lots Quotes) Try to see the joyful side of life. One must see the pain of life with clear eyes, and help all he can; but there is also lots of joy, and on should see that, too.  (Lots Quotes) Working with lots of old media clients, I’ve had a front-row seat on the ascension of new social players and the decline of traditional news outlets. And it’s clear to me that old media has an awful lot to learn from social media, in particular in five key areas: relevance, distribution, velocity, monetization, and user experience.  (Lots Quotes) When you’re on tour you definitely don’t want lots of arguments. It’s very important that everybody gets on because you’re in close proximity a great deal of the time.  (Lots Quotes) A lot of people assume that creating software is purely a solitary activity where you sit in an office with the door closed all day and write lots of code.  (Lots Quotes) I’m actively looking at pilots in the very limited pilot season that is about to begin. Lots of work for my clothing line which is extremely exciting.  (Lots Quotes) In New York I pretty much live in diners - I order French Fries, Diet Coke floats and lots of coffee.  (Lots Quotes) I started at home as a kid putting on shows and lip-syncing Michael Jackson for the grown-ups. Then, in musicals and plays in school. At 17, I was performing in coffee shops and in parking lots at Phish shows. At 18, I had a band that played local shows in the Northwest.  (Lots Quotes) I started performing at home as a kid putting on shows and lip-syncing Michael Jackson for the grown-ups. Then, in musicals and plays in school. At 17, I was performing in coffee shops and in parking lots at Phish shows. At 18, I had a band that played local shows in the Northwest.  (Lots Quotes) Bet you don’t know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors. And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest.  (Lots Quotes) Where are there lots of colors, Colton? In Heaven, Dad. That’s where all the rainbow colors are!  (Lots Quotes) The tendency in lots of large organizations is to try and find a comfortable place where you think you can get measured rewards for measured work.  (Lots Quotes) I had the ‘War of the Worlds’ comic book. I had lots of comic books.  (Lots Quotes) I’ve been involved in lots of comic book stuff; I’ve done numerous films based on comic books and TV shows.  (Lots Quotes)
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