Loud Quotes

Text Quotes
Being a Scotsman, I wear a skirt quite a lot, but we’re allowed. I have an incredibly loud Hawaiian shirt that’s pink and a particularly disgusting turquoise, but I just wear it on days when I’m in a strange mood. (Loud Quotes)
I like loud electric guitars because I like how you can just lose your entire being in the sound (Loud Quotes)
The smell of coffee was enough to wake up my neighbors. In a display of gratitude, they complained about my music being too loud. (Loud Quotes)
Has there ever been an Inquisitor who didn’t die a horrible death? Simon wondered out loud. It’s like being the drummer in Spinal Tap. (Loud Quotes)
I’m not that flashy in private; I’m usually pretty reserved. But on stage, it’s about not being afraid of anything - of anyone judging you. It’s one place you can be free. So why not sing as loud as you can, hoop and holler and jump around? A show is a moment. When it’s done, it’s over. I find that extremely liberating. (Loud Quotes)
When we get out of highschool we’ll look back and know we did everything right, that we kissed the cutest boys and went to the best parties, got in just enough trouble, listened to our music too loud, smoked too many cigarettes, and drank too much and laughed too much and listened too little, or not al all. (Loud Quotes)
I didn’t really enjoy reading until I married my wife and we began reading the Bible out loud to each other every day. I enjoy reading now, and there is a whole world of books out there to explore. (Loud Quotes)
I was taught by my parents that people who are loud don’t have anything to say. I’ve found if you’re suggesting quite big changes, a quiet style may be reassuring. (Loud Quotes)
You can look at a finale as chance to make an impact or a statement, to shock people or shoot a big cannon and make a loud noise. (Loud Quotes)
Samuel Fuller pictures were both written and shot in such an unusual way that his voice came through loud and clear, and it made a big impression on me. (Loud Quotes)
The Rio de Contas, a wide, almost delta-like river, was startling, a sudden big sky and a feeling of openness, and very bright. It was noisy with birds. The rain forest houses most of the earth’s plant and animal population. I hadn’t anticipated it would be so loud. (Loud Quotes)
When you come into my pieces, it’s not an intellectual experience, it’s a physical experience. It’s coming at your body. There’s light, there’s sound, the lights in some pieces are going on and off. There’s loud roaring sound happening. (Loud Quotes)
Sometimes your body language is enough for an actor to know that you’re not happy. And you don’t really need to say it out loud if you deal with actors you know very well. And I don’t think you really need to be explicit. (Loud Quotes)
I love the filmmaking process. It can be loud sometimes, and people love having conference calls, so working on a book is the polar opposite. It’s very relaxing. (Loud Quotes)
We may writhe in agony from pain Or laugh out loud when we find happiness As long as we’re alive tomorrow will come we become stronger and keep on living We were born to live (Loud Quotes)
I’m tough, I’m pushy, I’m really loud. I used to spend a lot of time thinking about it. But we only have so much brain capacity, so if I’m spending part of my brain thinking about how I’m acting, A, I’m not spending all of my brain doing, and B, I’m not actually in that moment. (Loud Quotes)
There may be something good in silence. It’s a brand new thing. You can hear the funniest little discussions, if you keep turning the volume down. Shut yourself up, and listen out loud. (Loud Quotes)
Breathing in, breathing out, ain’t that what it’s all about. Living life crazy loud, like I have the right to. (Loud Quotes)
My brothers and sister and me grew up making fun of each other, the way we’d speak or move. When we get together, everyone’s funny, quick, loud, and speaks on top of each other. It was like a great comedy school; nothing is precious. (Loud Quotes)
Justice Rehnquist was friendly and unpretentious. He wore scuffed Hush Puppy shoes. That was my first lesson. Clothes do not make the man. The Justice sported long sideburns and Buddy Holly glasses long after they were fashionable. And he wore loud ties that I am confident were never fashionable. (Loud Quotes)
At a time when many Muslims in this country are living in fear, I want to say loud and clear that as a Christian leader I deeply respect your faith and believe that our common duty is to extend the hand of friendship, and to build bridges not walls. (Loud Quotes)
Where the bright seraphim in burning rowTheir loud uplifted angel trumpets blow (Loud Quotes)
Say what you will about Americans, but one thing they are not is passive. The Bush administration may have pushed through the Patriot Act weeks after 11 September, but, as the American public got to grips with how the law was affecting their individual rights, their protests grew loud and angry. (Loud Quotes)
What has been happening more lately - of course, I also put in my bio, I say I do the voice of Goliath, but some people go - you know, I say something, and it’s a funny thing when you work in this business, people will talk out loud in front of you like you’re not there. (Loud Quotes)
Tolkien made dwarf sign language because, you know, it’s too loud to talk in the mines (Loud Quotes)
It’s weird - the cab driver is playing very loud dance music and yet it doesn’t really feel like a party. (Loud Quotes)
I can’t sleep without the TV on. It doesn’t matter where it is. I don’t like silence. My ears ring from loud music. (Loud Quotes)
Stop tryin to be loud as me, cause you can’t do that, Think about it...playing Russian roulette with an automatic! (Loud Quotes)
My radio’s loud like a fire alarm: The floor vibrates, the walls cave in, The bass makes my eardrums seem thin. Def sounds in my ride, yes the front and back... You would think it was a party, not a Cadillac! (Loud Quotes)
One thing I’m hearing a lot is from teachers who have felt that there’s something wrong with the extreme group learning, but felt like they couldn’t say that out loud. And apparently the discussion is now opening up. I think change is going to be a long time coming. (Loud Quotes)