Love In The Bible Quotes

Text Quotes
The Bible is the greatest love story ever told (Love In The Bible Quotes)
The Bible is God’s love letter to us (Love In The Bible Quotes)
The Bible tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Surely part of loving in this way is trying to understand what another person wants us to understand. I may not understand perfectly and I may not agree, but if I love you I should try to know what it is you wish I could know (Love In The Bible Quotes)
It’s a great tragedy when the Bible is interpreted by those who are not in love (Love In The Bible Quotes)
The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people. (Love In The Bible Quotes)
Certainly I was a very religious child, a deeply weird and very emotional child, an only child with lots of imaginary friends and a very active imagination. I loved Sunday school and Bible camp and all that. I had my own white Bible with Jesus’ words printed in red in the text; I even spoke at youth revivals. (Love In The Bible Quotes)
In the case of ‘The Bible’ series and now ‘Son of God,’ it has been a combination of what I love to do and what I believe. To be able to do that with the person I love has just really been a blessing. (Love In The Bible Quotes)
I have a Bible study that my friends and I go to here in L.A. I go to church every Sunday. I’ve always been a believer. I love singing. I don’t have the best voice - I just love getting my emotions out. (Love In The Bible Quotes)
When you have closed the Bible, you have neither closed God’s mind nor shut God’s mouth. God continues to speak, live and exist. I think we should consult the living God for the living word for living people dealing with death, destruction and despair in the midst of our hurt humanity. I believe love will conquer all. (Love In The Bible Quotes)
This religion and the Bible require of woman everything, and give her nothing. They ask her support and her love, and repay her with contempt and oppression (Love In The Bible Quotes)
One of the things I love about our source text as Christians, the Bible, is that it teaches us not to avoid conflict. And it teaches us that before the fall of man, in Paradise, there was conflict. God wants conflict to be a part of your life (Love In The Bible Quotes)
I love the Bible. I read it every day. I spend 10 hours a week studying it. It has affected my life in profound ways. I am inspired when I read it (Love In The Bible Quotes)
We are sometimes tempted to believe the lie that God does not love us. Thankfully the Bible is filled with evidence that this is not true (Love In The Bible Quotes)
There’s a verse in the Bible: ‘Those who are barren have more children than those who give birth.’ There are young people all over the world who come to me for advice and love. I have all the children I can handle (Love In The Bible Quotes)
I love karate, it’s like a bible to me. But deep inside I’m so I mean, I’m so sensitive (Love In The Bible Quotes)
The Bible says we need to love our enemies, bless our enemies. It does not say we should assume our enemies’ priorities (Love In The Bible Quotes)
The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love heterosexuals. It’s just that they need more supervision (Love In The Bible Quotes)
I love it when the left and when the president say, ‘Don’t try to impose your values on us, you folks who hold your Bibles in your hand and cling to your guns.’ They have values too. Our values are based on religion, based on life. Their values are based on a religion of self (Love In The Bible Quotes)
The holy spirit means the invisible power of Jehovah, holy because he is holy. This power of Jehovah operated upon the minds of honest men who loved and who were devoted to righteousness, directing them in the writing of the Bible (Love In The Bible Quotes)
If I try to understand what it means to be a Christian, I look at the two instructions that were given in the Bible that are paramount, and those are to love God with all your heart and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. That’s it (Love In The Bible Quotes)
In this one book are the two most interesting personalities in the whole world - God and yourself. The Bible is the story of God and man, a love story in which you and I must write our own ending, our unfinished autobiography of the creature and the Creator (Love In The Bible Quotes)
Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy (Love In The Bible Quotes)
I loved fairy tales when I was a kid. Grimm. The grimmer the better. I loved gruesome gothic tales and, in that respect, I liked Bible stories, because to me they were very gothic (Love In The Bible Quotes)
I spent six years in Bible study because I needed to get grounded. People really need to spend time in the Bible getting to know the God they claim to love (Love In The Bible Quotes)
There's a line in the Bible about perfect love casting out fear. That I don't know about, but orneriness will do it every time (Love In The Bible Quotes)
A God of less wrath than the God of the Bible is necessarily a God of less love. His anger is a product of his love (Love In The Bible Quotes)
I had always been told the bible was a book about love, but I couldn’t find enough love in it to fill a salt shaker. God is not love in the bible; God is vengeance. There is no other book between whose covers life is so cheap (Love In The Bible Quotes)