Love Quotes

Text Quotes
Everyone comes with baggage. Find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack (Love Quotes)
A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for so many things but will always stick around (Love Quotes)
Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness (Love Quotes)
How do you spell love. You don't spell it, you feel it (Love Quotes)
In you, i've found the love of my life and my closest truest friend (Love Quotes)
A true relationship is someone who accepts your past. Supports your present, loves you and encourages your future (Love Quotes)
Laugh and love with all your might. Kiss and hug and snuggle tight. Let go of sadness and regret. Say I love you every chance you get (Love Quotes)
When she says that she loves you, know that she loves you more than you'll ever understand (Love Quotes)
We fall in love by chance we stay in love by choice (Love Quotes)
To make a difference in someone's life, you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care enough and be there (Love Quotes)
I'll just pretend to hug you until you get here (Love Quotes)
If you love someone tell them, because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken (Love Quotes)
You and i just have that connection (Love Quotes)
The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in (Love Quotes)
I always say i'm done with you but i never am (Love Quotes)
I love you to the moon and back (Love Quotes)
You don't need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely (Love Quotes)
The best relationship is when you can act like lovers and best friends at the same time (Love Quotes)
Dogs teach us a lot of things but none more important than to love unconditionally (Love Quotes)
I wish you could see that you mean the world to me (Love Quotes)
I still fall for you every day (Love Quotes)
Real men don't date the most beautiful girl in the world, they date the girl who makes their world the most beautiful (Love Quotes)
All i want is love, sleep and good music (Love Quotes)
It's not hard to find someone who tells you they love you, it's hard to find someone who actually means it (Love Quotes)
When a girl is in love, you can see it in her smile. When a guy is in love, you can see it in his eyes (Love Quotes)
One forgives to the degree that one loves (Love Quotes)
Have i told you lately that i love you (Love Quotes)
Love is being stupid together (Love Quotes)
True love stories never have endings (Love Quotes)
Don't let the imaginary person in your head keep you from loving the real one right in front of you (Love Quotes)