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The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more; that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds  (Love Quotes) Love sought is good, but given unsought, is better  (Love Quotes) I'm not perfect. I'll annoy you, make fun of you, say stupid things, but you'll never find someone who loves you as much as I do  (Love Quotes) First love never dies  (Love Quotes) Love is like war; easy to begin but very hard to stop  (Love Quotes) Just know that everyone feels broken sometimes  (Love Quotes) We loved with a love that was more than love  (Love Quotes) If you love someone, love them for who they are, not who you hope they will be  (Love Quotes) If you love somebody then their happiness is your happiness; their pain is your pain  (Love Quotes) Live, laugh, love  (Love Quotes) The best thing a father can do for his daughter is to love her mother  (Love Quotes) To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to be loved by the person you love is everything  (Love Quotes) Just because somebody doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have  (Love Quotes) You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you'll ever know  (Love Quotes) God is love  (Love Quotes) You don’t cross my mind, you live in it  (Love Quotes) Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart  (Love Quotes) Don't make someone your everything, if they've already made someone else theirs  (Love Quotes) Perfect love drives out fear  (Love Quotes) A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself  (Love Quotes) It is not love that should be depicted as blind, but self-love  (Love Quotes) You still mean everything to me but you're just not worth the fight anymore  (Love Quotes) If you love someone set them free  (Love Quotes) What is done in love is done well  (Love Quotes) I love you more than ever  (Love Quotes) I aspire to be a giver, a giver of love, a giver of good vibes and a giver of strength  (Love Quotes) Darling don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years, i'll love you for a thousand more  (Love Quotes) Your face, it needs my kisses  (Love Quotes) Always show love to those who love you  (Love Quotes) There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love  (Love Quotes)
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