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It is a great feeling to know that from a window I can go to books to cans of beer to past loves. And from these gather enough dream to sneak out a back door  (Loves Quotes) 42. Most people will spend their lives doing jobs that they don’t particularly enjoy, and will eventually save up enough money to stop doing those jobs just in time to start dying instead. Don’t be one of those people. There’s a difference between living, and just surviving. Do something that you love, and find someone to love who loves that you love what you do. It really is that simple. And that hard  (Loves Quotes) No one who loves life can ignore literature, and no one who loves literature can ignore life  (Loves Quotes) A cat knows how to be comfortable, how to get the people around it to serve it. In a tranquil domestic situation, the cat is a veritable manipulative genius. It seeks the soft, it seeks the warm, it prefers the quiet and it loves to be full. It displays, when it gets its own way in these matters, a degree of contentment we would all like to emulate  (Loves Quotes) Mine was the unbearable jealousy a cultured pearl must feel toward a genuine one. Or can there be such a thing in this world as a man who is jealous of the woman who loves him, precisely because of her love?  (Loves Quotes) At the end of our lives it is our loves we remember most, because they are what shaped us. We have grown to be who we are around them, as around a stake  (Loves Quotes) God loves with a great love the man whose heart is bursting with a passion for the impossible  (Loves Quotes) A man who finds himself among others is irritated because he does not know why he is not one of the others. In bed next to a girl he loves, he forgets that he does not know why he is himself instead of the body he touches. Without knowing it, he suffers from the mental darkness that keeps him from screaming that he himself is the girl who forgets his presence while shuddering in his arms  (Loves Quotes) I loved her more than she loved me, that was the problem. A basic imbalance. Relationships like that never last, however hard you try. And now she’s pregnant and in love with a man who’ll never love her the way she loves him. It’s a series of vicious circles, and the only way to stop it is to find someone who loves you the same. No power struggle. No insecurities. Just friendship. Because you can never be friends with someone if you love them too much  (Loves Quotes) When a woman has seen me, as you have, she belongs to me. She loves me forever  (Loves Quotes) The world, we’d discovered, doesn’t love you like your family loves you  (Loves Quotes) Does he write to you? Never a line. Does he send you a message? Never a word. It is because he loves you, poor fool, and is trying to forget you, since you are not free to listen to him or to belong to him  (Loves Quotes) I believe it, she’s a very good person, kind. There’s weariness there, but no bitterness or spite. When you’re with a girl like that you feel like a different person. You try to be better, and that’s a strain. Men prefer to be friends with her kind, flirt a bit, share confidences. They don’t often fall in love with girls like that, but everybody loves them  (Loves Quotes) When a man wants a mystery, it is generally better to leave him mystified. Nobody loves a clever woman  (Loves Quotes) Somewhere in this world is a man who loves you, who understands how precious and clever and kind you are. A man who has always loved you and, to his detriment, suspects he always will  (Loves Quotes) The power you have over someone who loves you is greater than any other power you’ll ever have  (Loves Quotes) That all things are possible to him who believes, that they are less difficult to him who hopes, they are more easy to him who loves, and still more easy to him who perseveres in the practice of these three virtues  (Loves Quotes) He loves you, really he does. He’d love you even if it destroyed him. He matches you  (Loves Quotes) Day, the champion of the people, the one who can’t bear to see those around him suffer on his behalf, who would gladly give his life for those he loves  (Loves Quotes) Trouble is a part of life, and if you don’t share it, you don’t give the person who loves you enough chance to love you enough  (Loves Quotes) Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together  (Loves Quotes) Whatever an education is, it should make you a unique individual, not a conformist; it should furnish you with an original spirit with which to tackle the big challenges. It should allow you to find values which will be your road map through life; it should make you spiritually rich, a person who loves whatever you are doing, wherever you are, whomever you are with; it should teach you what is important, how to live and how to die  (Loves Quotes) Love has no awareness of merit or demerit; it has no scale... Love loves; this is its nature  (Loves Quotes) Every man who loves his country, or wishes well to the best interests of society, will show himself a decided friend not only of morality and the laws, but of religious institutions, and honorably bear his part in supporting them  (Loves Quotes) Dogs are great assets to candidates, and the feeling seems to be engendered that if a dog loves the candidate, he can’t be all that bad  (Loves Quotes) When a man loves a woman, can’t keep his mind on nothing else. He’d trade the world for the good thing he’s found  (Loves Quotes) It is not so much true that the world loves a lover as that the lover loves all the world  (Loves Quotes) The difference is almost all mental. The top players just hate to lose. I think that’s the difference. A champion hates to lose even more than she loves to win  (Loves Quotes) Maybe the truth does not matter, but I want to know it if only so that I can come to some conclusions about such questions as: whether he is angry with me or not; if he is, then how angry; whether he still loves me or not; if he does, then how much; whether he loves me or not; how much; how capable he is of deceiving me in the act and after the act in the telling  (Loves Quotes) None of us suffers as much as we should, or loves as much as we say. Love is the first lie; wisdom the last  (Loves Quotes)
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