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Loves Quotes

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True love will not brook reserve; it feels undervalued and outraged, when even the sorrows of those it loves are concealed from it  (Loves Quotes) Misery loves company, particularly when she is herself the hostess, and can give generously of her stores to others  (Loves Quotes) La possession de ce qu’on aime est une joie plus grande encore que l’amour. Possessing what one loves is an even greater joy than love itself  (Loves Quotes) To suffer with the other and for others; to suffer for the sake of truth and justice; to suffer out of love and in order to become a person who truly loves these are fundamental elements of humanity, and to abandon them would destroy man himself  (Loves Quotes) I have two daughters that are the loves of my life and I want to leave them a better world, a better country, a better state and a better city  (Loves Quotes) You know, that’s all basketball is. If someone loves something, and you take it away, it’s like what does he do now? What does someone do? That’s what happened with me  (Loves Quotes) If a man really loves a woman, of course he wouldn’t marry her for the world if he were not quite sure that he was the best person she could possibly marry  (Loves Quotes) He loves power. He loves control because others, you know, dad and stuff like that, but he’s just a great guy. He’s just a great guy  (Loves Quotes) I think I can speak on behalf of women and say that every woman wants a man who just loves them and lusts after them  (Loves Quotes) I want to be the band everyone knows that goes hardest. Plays the hardest, parties the hardest, lives the hardest, loves the hardest, does everything the hardest, harder than anybody else  (Loves Quotes) The media loves nothing more than when there is a racial scandal or something. Racism, bigotry, these are just such hot button issues, and the media loves it  (Loves Quotes) Be patient. Your future will come to you and lie down at your feet like a dog who knows and loves you no matter what you are  (Loves Quotes) You are led, when you share your loves, to an enchanted life of inner happiness, which unsharing others cannot know  (Loves Quotes) Love is free; it does not depend on the desirability of its object, but loves for love’s sake  (Loves Quotes) Personalization is the automatic tailoring of sites and messages to the individuals viewing them, so that we can feel that somewhere there’s a piece of software that loves us for who we are  (Loves Quotes) Everybody loves vampire stories, and if theres one show in particular thats done really well, it just opens the door and the opportunity for more of those kind of stories to get through  (Loves Quotes) People fall in and out of love all the time, and sometimes people have numerous loves throughout their lives. But you have two epic loves and no matter who you were with, I don’t think you’d ever get over or forget the other  (Loves Quotes) In little towns, lives roll along so close to one another; loves and hates beat about, their wings almost touching  (Loves Quotes) Why it should be such an effort to write to the people one loves I can’t imagine. It’s none at all to write to those who don’t really count  (Loves Quotes) Perhaps it does not matter so very much what it is one loves in this world. But love something one must  (Loves Quotes) In art them is a point of perfection, as of goodness or maturity in nature; he who is able to perceive it, and who loves it, has perfect taste; he who does not feel it, or loves on this side or that, has an imperfect taste  (Loves Quotes) One must in this lower world love many things to know finally what one loves the best  (Loves Quotes) To demand that another love what one loves is tyranny enough, but to demand that another hate what one hates, is even worse  (Loves Quotes) Everybody loves to have things which please the palate put in their way, without trouble or preparation  (Loves Quotes) Why would I give up so much to just be another singer or another person doing what he loves? I’m out here doing everything to the best of my capability to be the best  (Loves Quotes) When you reach a certain level of fame or success or income all these magical things are going to happen to you. All of the sudden you’re very popular. You’re very pretty. Everyone loves you and that’s going to fix all your problems  (Loves Quotes) Part of our society kills what it loves, despises what it’s created. It really hates success  (Loves Quotes) Why is it that the people with whom one loves to be silent are also the very ones with whom one loves to talk?  (Loves Quotes) It doesn’t take long to sum up the major theses of most popular music: he loves me; he left me; I need him; I needed him, but now I need his best friend. Rather limited scope  (Loves Quotes) Love sees clearly, and seeing, loves on. But infatuation is blind; when it gains sight, it dies  (Loves Quotes)
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