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Great loves were almost always great tragedies. Perhaps it was because love was never truly great until the element of sacrifice entered into it  (Loves Quotes) In the morning I had decided that henceforth I only cared for easy loves. It is so degrading to have to persuade people into liking one, or one’s works  (Loves Quotes) The death of any loved parent is an incalculable lasting blow. Because no one ever loves you again like that  (Loves Quotes) If you are a stepparent, rush right out and get yourself a dog. Because it’s very nice to have someone in the house that loves you  (Loves Quotes) No woman need fear the effect of absence upon the man who honestly loves her. The needle of the compass, regardless of intervening seas, points forever toward the north. Pitiful indeed is she who fails to be a magnet and blindly becomes a chain  (Loves Quotes) My theory is that you find out who your true friends are when something good happens to you, not when something bad happens to you. Everybody loves you when something bad happens to you. Then you’re easy to love  (Loves Quotes) The only really satisfactory confidante for your troubles is someone who enjoys them, and this inevitably cuts out anyone who actually loves you  (Loves Quotes) Anybody who loves country music loves gospel. Even they are competing with the same type of problem that I’m competing with. We older artists are competing with the new style of country, with their new modern style of gospel, with the young people  (Loves Quotes) The nature of mind is that it loves everything once it loves itself, just as it opposes everything when it opposes itself  (Loves Quotes) He who loves with purity considers not the gift of the lover, but the love of the giver  (Loves Quotes) The beloved is one who nurtures you, trusts you, supports you, encourages you, loves you without conditions. That’s you  (Loves Quotes) I know my boyfriend loves to have something to hold onto. Theres a lot of men out there who do  (Loves Quotes) My style is not trendy by any means; my inner artists loves to shine through in my wardrobe  (Loves Quotes) When children do not have three square meals a day, a proper education, and at least one adult who they know loves and is committed to them, its very unlikely they will grow up to be productive citizens of the world  (Loves Quotes) It doesn’t so much matter what one loves. To love is the transfiguring thing  (Loves Quotes) Dad loves my stuff. No matter how many times my voice cracks or I miss a tap, he doesn’t care. He’s like some businessman making it to his kid’s recital  (Loves Quotes) Rain knows the earth and loves it well, for rain is the passion of the earth  (Loves Quotes) I have been luckier than anyone I know or even heard of. I had a very happy childhood, a good education, I enjoyed working as a teacher, journalist and author. I have loved a wonderful man for over 33 years, and I believe he loves me, too  (Loves Quotes) I am for the small man who has not forgotten, for the man who loves his beer and his women and his sunlight  (Loves Quotes) There’s a common saying that everybody deep at heart loves their mother, except sometimes we decide our actual mothers don’t measure up. And so we look for a replacement  (Loves Quotes) When you’re a musician and you go out onstage, and you’re someone who loves attention, you are going to become a role model to some extent  (Loves Quotes) You should really get some quotes about our show. Noah loves when people talk about him. Negatively or positively  (Loves Quotes) Your body loves you, but if you do not love your life, it will end it far sooner, thinking it is doing you a favor  (Loves Quotes) Someone who loves a neighbor allows him to be as he is, as he was, and as he will be  (Loves Quotes) There are enough bad films coming out of this town already without the process being more democratized. I’m a guy who loves democracy. I’m all for democratizing any process, but I think there is a price to pay for that  (Loves Quotes) Any man can do what he has to do. But doing it like you love it? That is what takes it to a whole different level. A champion does it like he loves it, even when he doesn’t  (Loves Quotes) Over, over, there is a soft place in my heart for all that is over, no, for the being over, words have been my only loves, not many  (Loves Quotes) In homosexual love the passion is homosexuality itself. What a homosexual loves, as if it were his lover, his country, his art, his land, is homosexuality  (Loves Quotes) I live a very privileged life. I’m an accomplished actor, I have a very solid normal family, tons of siblings, and a mother that loves me  (Loves Quotes) Not everybody loves their children. If that was a fact, all the children would be happy and they would make happy adults. Instead, we have lots of miserable children that later became miserable adults. This is a fact. We cannot change that  (Loves Quotes)
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