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Loves Quotes

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The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles. No matter what you say about it, there is always that which you can’t  (Loves Quotes) Think of these pages as graffiti maybe, and where I have scratched up in a public place my longings and loves, my grievances and indecencies, be reminded in private of your own. In that way, at least, we can hold a kind of converse  (Loves Quotes) A warrior does not give up what he loves, he finds the love in what he does  (Loves Quotes) Henry loves my hair almost as though it is a creature unto itself, as though it has a soul to call its own, as though it could love him back  (Loves Quotes) Agape doesn’t love somebody because they’re worthy. Agape makes them worthy by the strength and power of its love. Agape doesn’t love somebody because they’re beautiful. Agape loves in such a way that it makes them beautiful  (Loves Quotes) Fate gives all of us three teachers, three friends, three enemies, and three great loves in our lives. But these twelve are always disguised, and we can never know which one is which until we’ve loved them, left them, or fought them  (Loves Quotes) I imagine the touch of someone who loves you so much, he cannot bear to watch you sleep; and so you wake up with his hand on your heart  (Loves Quotes) Just for the record, she still loves you. She wouldn’t bother to torture you if she didn’t  (Loves Quotes) She loves the serene brutality of the ocean, loves the electric power she felt with each breath of wet, briny air  (Loves Quotes) And being as I’m somebody who loves movies like The Machinist, I also love going along to big mass entertainment movies. I get in the mood for all kinds of movies, and so I like to try each of them  (Loves Quotes) A story about family, first loves, second chances, and the moments in life that leads you back home  (Loves Quotes) I’ve seen of enough of people who die for an idea. I don’t believe in heroism; I know it’s easy and I’ve learned it can be murderous. What interests me is living and dying for what one loves  (Loves Quotes) You’ve got to have someone who loves your body. Who doesn’t define you, but sees you. Who loves what he sees. Who you don’t have to struggle to be good enough for  (Loves Quotes) I’m young as morning and fresh as dew. Everybody loves me and so do you  (Loves Quotes) I wish I could freeze this moment, somehow delay my final decision, and just hang here in the balance between two places, two worlds, two loves  (Loves Quotes) When you can’t be with the one you love, will you stay with the one who loves you?  (Loves Quotes) I know you’re frustrated that he’s keeping you locked up like this, but don’t give him too bad a time when he gets back. He loves you more than you know. It terrifies him to be away from you  (Loves Quotes) It’s crazy, right? To love someone who’s hurt you? It’s even crazier to think that someone who hurts you loves you  (Loves Quotes) Ah! What pleasure it must be to a woman to suffer for the one she loves!  (Loves Quotes) If everybody loves you, something is wrong. Find at least one enemy to keep you alert  (Loves Quotes) Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up  (Loves Quotes) The more you try to crush your true nature, the more it will control you. Be what you are. No one who really loves you will stop  (Loves Quotes) When I’m with him, I can feel myself getting better. It’s like he’s picking up broken pieces of me and putting me back together, and I don’t even know he’s doing it. We never talk about it. We don’t go to therapy. He just loves me and that’s enough  (Loves Quotes) Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. the world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world  (Loves Quotes) Introspection is a devouring monster. You have to feed it with much material, much experience, many people, many places, many loves, many creations, and then it ceases feeding on you  (Loves Quotes) In case you still haven’t figured it out, he loves you. Your tiger will be back in the morning, and you can thank me anytime. Now, do I have to paint another picture for you, or do you think you can take it from here by yourself without screwing up?  (Loves Quotes) That’s how they say it: He loves you in his own way. Well, what about my way? What if I need for him to love me in my way?  (Loves Quotes) Yes, there is some one I love, though he has not told me yet that he even loves me  (Loves Quotes) If there is confusion in your head and in your heart, what more do you want! A man who no longer loves and no longer errs should have himself buried straight away  (Loves Quotes) She responds by kissing me harder and longer and deeper. She loves me too. She’s just afraid  (Loves Quotes)
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