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Loves Quotes

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It’s never quite right, all the things we are taught, all the loves we chase, all the deaths we die, all the lives we live  (Loves Quotes) God made yeast, as well as dough, and loves fermentation just as dearly as he loves vegetation  (Loves Quotes) Trade is the natural enemy of all violent passions because it loves moderation, delights in compromise an is most careful to avoid anger  (Loves Quotes) Everything is only for a day... the universe loves nothing so much as to change things  (Loves Quotes) For someone like me, who loves to sweat and push herself, it’s a challenge to slow down, to sit, to breathe and hold poses  (Loves Quotes) The man loves danger and sport. That is why he loves woman, the most dangerous of all sports  (Loves Quotes) He who wants to do good knocks at the gate: he who loves finds the door open  (Loves Quotes) Who is it that loves me and will love me forever with an affection which no chance, no misery, no crime of mine can do away? It is you, my mother  (Loves Quotes) Everybody loves an accent. It you’ve been unlucky in love, consider pulling up stakes and moving to another country. Then you’ll be the one with a neat foreign accent  (Loves Quotes) Im very clear that everyone in the world loves me. I just don’t expect them to realize it yet  (Loves Quotes) The last thing a woman will consent to in a man whom she loves, or on whom she simply depends, is want of courage  (Loves Quotes) There’s some invisible guy, up in the sky, who can kill you, because he loves you  (Loves Quotes) He, who loves the bristle of bayonets, only sees in their glitter what beforehand he feels in his hand  (Loves Quotes) God loves me enough to let me go through all the lessons I came here to learn, even the ones that hurt the most. His presence doesn’t deny me. It’s always there to help me see and understand what I came to this planet to learn  (Loves Quotes) Just as dogs love to chew bones, the mind loves to get its teeth into problems. That’s why it does crossword puzzles and builds atom bombs  (Loves Quotes) Don’t say it... I’ve seen too many loves sundered by too much needless honesty  (Loves Quotes) Wealth of a man is the number of things which he loves and blesses which he is loved and blessed by  (Loves Quotes) Philosophy means the complete liberty of the mind, and therefore independence of all social, political or religious prejudice... It loves one thing only... truth  (Loves Quotes) God evaluates by this criterion: How much love you invest in what you do is more important than how you do. The one who loves much is actually the one who does much  (Loves Quotes) The sage wears clothes of coarse cloth but carries jewels in his bosom; He knows himself but does not display himself; He loves himself but does not hold himself in high esteem  (Loves Quotes) Those loves which are for the sake of a colour are not love. In the end they are a disgrace  (Loves Quotes) God loves us; we need only to summon up the humility to allow ourselves to be loved  (Loves Quotes) A man should fear when he enjoys only the good he does publicly. Is it not, publicity rather than charity, which he loves? Is it not vanity, rather than benevolence, that gives such charities?  (Loves Quotes) All the world loves a ghost. The evidence of that simple statement can be found by looking in nearly every direction  (Loves Quotes) I enjoy playing at the heart of it is just a kid who really loves playing the game of basketball  (Loves Quotes) I believe that there is no doubts about who I am, an artist who loves music, above everything  (Loves Quotes) My mom used to tell me that whatever you do, marry someone who loves you more than you love him  (Loves Quotes) I hate to sound self absorbed, but I’m just going to cast out this pearl of wisdom, if I could give the whole world cancer and kill them and be the last man on earth it would be a sign that God loves me especially  (Loves Quotes) He who loves has conquered the world and has no fear of losing anything. True love is an act of total surrender  (Loves Quotes) Anyone who loves needs to know both how to lose himself and how to find himself  (Loves Quotes)
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