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I guess anyone with a beautiful body, man or woman, loves to be looked at, but to admit such a thing is a little rough at times. That’s why it’s hard to get people to pose  (Loves Quotes) I’m not an adrenaline junkie. It’s never been about thrills for me. I’m just someone who loves a challenge  (Loves Quotes) Hollywood loves to pat itself on the back and espouse their rhetorically liberal points of view while they continue to be the 1 percent and point the finger at the other guy  (Loves Quotes) To my mother, I was everything. To my father, nothing at all. To my grandmother, I was a daily reminder of loves long lost  (Loves Quotes) God involves us in his mission not because he needs us but because he loves us  (Loves Quotes) Everyone loves a good singsong, so we all do a bit of karaoke or something  (Loves Quotes) I’m quite a romantic person - everyone loves being treated a little bit special, no matter how hard you are on the surface. I live in movie land; my head is full of nonsense  (Loves Quotes) Anyone can love a virtue, but a good human being is he or she who loves even vicious people. Everyone Loves the melodious voice of cuckoo, but who cares for Kaw- Kaw of crow  (Loves Quotes) The audience loves to figure things out. They love it when a performer leaves a trail of bread crumbs for them, and they get to participate in the comedy  (Loves Quotes) Misery loves company which is ironic because it rarely throws dinner parties  (Loves Quotes) Fake titties are inversely proportioned to their owners level of self esteem. This being said, part of me loves them  (Loves Quotes) Technology has developed to a whole other level and theres the scientist part of me that loves that stuff  (Loves Quotes) I think God loves to speak to us prophetically, because there are a number of things which happen when you receive a prophecy  (Loves Quotes) I played at my church every once in a while, but that’s not a good gauge, because everybody loves you at your church  (Loves Quotes) I’m an obsessive writer who needs and loves revision. Writing helps me learn and helps me teach  (Loves Quotes) I know I have an incredibly amazing family that loves and supports me unconditionally. I have a best friend I consider to be a sister, and I’ve recently discovered my true love  (Loves Quotes) I’d rather have a kid come up to me and tell me that he loves dinosaurs or he loves airplanes or he likes training dogs or I like Shakespeare. I mean, just something  (Loves Quotes) I don’t know if you want to see the Everybody Loves Raymond guy in a nude scene  (Loves Quotes) Obviously, everyone loves someone who appreciates you and puts you on a pedestal  (Loves Quotes) I’ve realized that I have a lot of different loves, and I want to pursue writing, but I can never divorce myself from music  (Loves Quotes) There’s a conflicted look in Day’s eyes, a joy and a grief, that makes him so vulnerable. I realize how little defense he has against my words. He loves so wholly. It is his nature  (Loves Quotes) It’s a cyclical thing. When they make one, everyone loves them. Different genres come around in succession. People always welcome the western. It’s America’s genre  (Loves Quotes) Don’t GIVE UP. And know that there is always someone out there who believes in you and who loves you JUST THE WAY THAT YOU ARE  (Loves Quotes) Everybody loves winning, but we should not linger on the difference between winning and losing…But Is losing failing  (Loves Quotes) God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do  (Loves Quotes) God is displeased at the diffidence of souls who love Him sincerely and whom He Himself loves  (Loves Quotes) The Left loves the poor so much it creates more of them every time it gets into power  (Loves Quotes) I don’t want a perfect relationship. I just want someone who I can act silly with, someone who treats me well and loves being with me  (Loves Quotes) The sweetest time of the day is when you pray. For you’re talking to someone you know who loves you the most  (Loves Quotes) When someone loves u, u don’t realize it. When u realize it, it’s too late. U always leave the one who loves u and love the one who leaves u  (Loves Quotes)
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