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It’s not about who loves you the most. It’s about who will love you till the end no matter what  (Loves Quotes) Worst feelings: Crying yourself to sleep, being ignored, discovering the person you love loves someone else and someone falling out of love with you  (Loves Quotes) Love is a feeling which tells a woman that, no matter what, she can be beautiful in the eyes of the man who loves her  (Loves Quotes) A man that loves you can’t be taken away from you no matter how many girls throw themselves at him  (Loves Quotes) Troubles and flaws are a part of your life. If you try to hide them, you don’t give the person who loves you a chance to love you fully  (Loves Quotes) Not everyone who loves each other needs to be in a relationship. And not everyone who’s in a relationship loves each other  (Loves Quotes) Less chances of being hurt by someone who loves you than the one you love. However if you don’t love them you won’t be happy  (Loves Quotes) All I want is someone who knows all my insecurities and imperfections and still loves me the same no matter what  (Loves Quotes) A happy man marries the girl he loves; a happier man loves the girl he marries  (Loves Quotes) Everyone has baggage, so don’t be ashamed of yours. Be patient and find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack  (Loves Quotes) There is always someone who loves you more than you know. Never give up on true love  (Loves Quotes) If he wants to leave you, let him be. If he really loves you, he will stay with you trough thick and thin and would never leave you  (Loves Quotes) The most beautiful clothes that can dress a woman are the arms of the man she loves  (Loves Quotes) Once a girl starts showing you her crazy side, that means she loves you  (Loves Quotes) The person who really loves you will never leave your side no matter how hard things, get through better or worse  (Loves Quotes) It’s hard to love someone who loves someone else but it is harder to love someone who loves you and you can’t be together  (Loves Quotes) A woman’s worst nightmare is when the guy she loves stops doing the things that made her fall in love  (Loves Quotes) A true relationship is having someone who accepts your past, supports your present, loves you and encourages your future  (Loves Quotes) I get people to truly accept themselves unconditionally, whether or not their therapist or anyone loves them  (Loves Quotes) To me, people’s lives and loves are entwined with their characters, natures and circumstances. I regard all general advice with skepticism  (Loves Quotes) If he really loves you, he’ll make sure you know. Not just by words, but by actions  (Loves Quotes) It seems like everyone loves to text you when you’re busy but when you’re bored. Nothing  (Loves Quotes) Love isn’t about a perfect relationship. It’s about being with someone who you can act silly with, treats you well and loves being with you  (Loves Quotes) If a man really loves you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn’t, nothing can make him stay  (Loves Quotes) It takes a lot of understanding, time and trust to gain a close relationship with someone. As I approach a time of my life of complete uncertainty, my loves are my most precious assets  (Loves Quotes) You know what the sweetest time of the day is? When you pray, wanna know why? You are talking to the one who loves you most  (Loves Quotes) Find someone worth your tears, your laughter, and your heart. Someone that loves you as much as you love them  (Loves Quotes) It is a nice feeling when you know that some one loves you, misses you, but it’s better when you know that’s someone never forgets you  (Loves Quotes) Girls, if he really loves you he’ll wait. He won’t pressure you. Don’t confuse his love with his lust  (Loves Quotes) If he really loves you, he’d commit to you. Not by asking you to be his girlfriend, but by asking you to be his wife  (Loves Quotes)
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