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Loves Quotes

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I’m also a great believer in the dream life; that while we’re asleep, a deep subconscious connection is made about our profoundest fears, hopes, loves, losses, dreads and desires.  (Loves Quotes) My mum was a big fan of E.L.O. and Elvis Costello. She used to play that, consistently, all the time when we were kids. And my dad, he would claim to be a singer... You know, he loves singing, and he used to sing a lot when he was a kid and at parties and stuff like that. So I come from a very party-musical family.  (Loves Quotes) Joy may you have and gentle hearts content Of your loves couplement: And let faire Venus, that is Queene of love, With her heart-quelling Sonne upon you smile  (Loves Quotes) As a kid, on the cotton fields, I had this tune in my head. I hummed it and sang it. It was the same melody as ‘When A Man Loves A Woman.’ I could never, ever forget it.  (Loves Quotes) What people love about Santorum is he is who is he. He speaks his words. He loves God. He loves his country, and he loves gays.  (Loves Quotes) One loves one’s country the way one loves a family member. And sometimes that family member does really embarrassing, shitty things. But you still love them.  (Loves Quotes) Anybody who loves country music loves gospel. Even they are competing with the same type of problem that I’m competing with. We older artists are competing with the new style of country, with their new modern style of gospel, with the young people.  (Loves Quotes) Where a man’s strength and courage is tested most is in the way that he treats women - the way that he loves.  (Loves Quotes) Love sweetens pain; and when one loves God, one suffers for His sake with joy and courage  (Loves Quotes) There is a sort of fair play, and if you can get in touch with that in your life, if you can have that perception, the world will begin to work for you, it will begin to move toward you... Nature loves courage, and it shows you that loves courage because it will remove obstacles.  (Loves Quotes) Life loves to reveal herself to the raw, courageous doubters; to those who are willing to live inside the question.  (Loves Quotes) We’ve got a Muslim for a president who hates cowboys, hates cowgirls, hates fishing, hates farming, loves gays and we hate him!  (Loves Quotes) It’s crazy, right? To love someone who’s hurt you? It’s even crazier to think that someone who hurts you loves you.  (Loves Quotes) Everyone loves a slice of period-drama-pie, but I think the success of ‘Upstairs Downstairs’ is really down to the wonderful format that Jean Marsh and Eileen Atkins created.  (Loves Quotes) The natural and untainted male mind respects and loves the woman and her magnificent scope of capability and creative gifts.  (Loves Quotes) Comandante Fidel Castro loves Cuba! But his love for humanity, if you’ll pardon the expression, trumped his love for Cuba: He was universal; he was an internationalist, and he put that spirit in the hearts and minds of the Cuban people through the Cuban Revolution.  (Loves Quotes) I’m in love with Ariana Grande - she’s got a very curious personality; I hear she loves Freddy Krueger, and I love Freddy Krueger, which makes me feel like we’d be perfect for each other.  (Loves Quotes) So my son is very curious, which is fantastic. He loves school. So I don’t have to encourage him too much, but I love to do it because I know it’s meaningful and words are powerful.  (Loves Quotes) I remember watching ‘Colombo’ a lot with my dad. That was one of the first detective shows I remember watching. And I remember my dad turning to me - my dad loves to turn to me and explain why things are funny. He used to do that with ‘Seinfeld’ all the time. He did it with ‘Colombo’, too, set the scene.  (Loves Quotes) Dad loves my stuff. No matter how many times my voice cracks or I miss a tap, he doesn’t care. He’s like some businessman making it to his kid’s recital.  (Loves Quotes) Everyone loves to dance. I’ve realize that’s a part of what I do more and more every day.  (Loves Quotes) Surely a King who loves pleasure is less dangerous than one who loves glory?  (Loves Quotes) He’s dangerous, he’s beautiful, and he loves the heat, like me - that’s why I had a scorpion tattooed on my leg in 1999 after my fifth jersey.  (Loves Quotes) My life has been long, and believing that life loves the liver of it, I have dared to try many things, sometimes trembling, but daring, still.  (Loves Quotes) It is when we are at our darkest hour, when we can see no evidence that God loves us or that he is even there to listen to our prayers, much less answer them...and yet, we still obey.It is then that the devil is reminded that his cause is lost.  (Loves Quotes) I know a woman loves me when she leaves me leftovers in the fridge from the date she went on the night before.  (Loves Quotes) When you produce an album, you’re dealing with it theatrically. It has to have a structure, and the inner response to that is that the ear loves it.  (Loves Quotes) That’s death and life, you see. We all shine on. You just have to release your hearts, alert your senses, and pay attention. A leaf, a star, a song, a laugh. Notice all the little things, because somebody is reaching out to you. Qualcuno ti ama. Somebody loves you.  (Loves Quotes) Somebody who is Christ’s must love Christ, and when he loves Christ he is delivered from the Devil, from hell and from death.  (Loves Quotes) What decent philosopher was ever an appeaser? The former is a rare catch among the multitudes of modern opinionists. His role is to be one who loves truth. That is a place where his love for humanity is more powerful than his love for hot air about empowering humanity.  (Loves Quotes)
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