Luck can be assisted. It is not all chance with the wise

Luck can be assisted. It is not all chance with the wise
In the realm of philosophy and literature, Baltasar Gracian is a name that stands out for his profound insights into human nature and the complexities of life. One of his most famous quotes, "Luck can be assisted. It is not all chance with the wise," encapsulates his belief in the power of human agency and the ability to shape one's own destiny.Gracian was a Spanish Jesuit and baroque prose writer who is best known for his work "The Art of Worldly Wisdom." In this book, he offers a collection of aphorisms and advice on how to navigate the challenges of life with grace and wisdom. Central to his philosophy is the idea that luck is not purely a matter of chance, but can be influenced and even controlled by those who possess the wisdom to do so.
According to Gracian, luck is not something that is entirely out of our control. While there are certainly elements of randomness and unpredictability in life, he believed that those who are wise and discerning can take steps to improve their chances of success. By making smart decisions, cultivating good habits, and being prepared for opportunities when they arise, individuals can increase their likelihood of achieving their goals and fulfilling their potential.
Gracian's philosophy is rooted in the belief that personal agency and self-improvement are key to overcoming the obstacles that life presents. Rather than resigning oneself to the whims of fate, he encourages his readers to take an active role in shaping their own destinies. By being proactive, resourceful, and adaptable, individuals can create their own luck and seize the opportunities that come their way.