Luck Quotes

Text Quotes
Becoming a bird ecologist was just luck! I had the chance to be a field assistant for a scientist working in the Galapagos Islands, and while I was there, I saw a particular problem in behavioral biology that I wanted to solve and, in the process, made myself into a bird ecologist. (Luck Quotes)
No matter whether you believe in luck or chance, the final decision is from yourself (Luck Quotes)
This is the third time; I hope good luck lies in odd numbers. Away; go. They say there is divinity in odd numbers, either in nativity, chance, or death. (Luck Quotes)
Not dreams but night changes, not destiny but path changes, always keep your hopes alive, luck may or may not change, but time definitely chages. (Luck Quotes)
The reason I like the game chess is because each move has countless repercussions, but you’re in charge of them. And it’s your ability to see into the future and the effects of the decisions you’ve made that males you either a good or not a good chess player. It’s not luck. (Luck Quotes)
I always choose an area that is of personal interest, but I don’t plan my travels in detail. There are so many variables one cannot predict: the changing light, weather, personal mood, and often just plain luck. Of course, you must have a starting point, so I establish some fixed points then improvise as I go. In many cases the locations seem to choose me. (Luck Quotes)
One of the reasons I chose to come to Liverpool was because of the mentality of the club. It’s a working club and a working city. I don’t know why, but I feel like one of the people here. They recognise me and wish me luck, but in Spain, they surround you and you can’t do anything. I think they’re happy with me here. (Luck Quotes)
Some liberals think that describing any role that education gaps play in creating income inequality is some sort of sellout - that, in essence, you’re telling the middle class, ‘Tough luck; you should have stayed in college.’ (Luck Quotes)
The energy of college football rivals that of a live performance for me. I am an extremely analytical guy and predicting these games is right up my alley, especially with a little luck thrown in. It is even more fun when I am winning and I have to say, I have fared quite well in my predictions. (Luck Quotes)
Now the bigots have to get creative. Good luck coming up with slurs for Chechens. Go back where you came from, Ushanka head. (Luck Quotes)
You just have to work with what God sends, and if God doesn’t seem to understand the concept of commercial success, then that’s your bad luck. (Luck Quotes)
When one achieves massive success, unenlightened minds say, It’s all about luck. But if you were to ask me, I would say, It is the mighty reward of faith, confidence, courage, patience, relentlessness and resiliency. (Luck Quotes)
I’m very conscious of the luck I’ve had. It’s important to have this in your mind and remember it. (Luck Quotes)
As artists, we are so not in control most of the time of the content or the narrative of our characters, and sometimes writing takes a turn and it’s not something we necessarily have control over. It’s just a lot of random dumb luck, so when things click, you’ve just got to enjoy it. (Luck Quotes)
Films are really cool because, every couple months, or however many times you can get a job because there’s a lot of luck involved in that, you’re playing a different character. (Luck Quotes)
We [Elbow] have had some luck with media syncs in film and on TV. We’d love to do a soundtrack with a really cool director. (Luck Quotes)
Often times I have been asked about the attributes for success, and I have said that you need two attributes for succeeding as an entrepreneur: one, courage, second, luck. (Luck Quotes)
Success is made up of courage, brains, and luck. Since the first two are a function of the third, it’s pretty much all luck. (Luck Quotes)
I’ve got what I want, and I’ve got the luck to express myself and to be paid and to do what I do as a creative person. (Luck Quotes)
There is, perhaps, no more dangerous man in the world than the man with the sensibilities of an artist but without creative talent. With luck such men make wonderful theatrical impresarios and interior decorators, or else they become mass murderers or critics. (Luck Quotes)
I would say luck and preparation. I didn’t dominate WWE when I first started, it was a slow process. I wasn’t labelled the golden child from day one, it’s been a very long road. (Luck Quotes)
In luck or out the toil has left its mark: That old perplexity an empty purse, Or the day’s vanity, the night’s remorse. (Luck Quotes)
It must be nice to be so strong and to think it’s because you’re so good, that you live right and eat right, so you deserve your health and happiness. But there is such a thing as luck, and there’s more bad luck than good in this world. (Luck Quotes)
If there was one thing which Sloan had learned over the years it was that you should never underestimate the element of luck in detective work. (Luck Quotes)
There’s no such thing as too late. There are different roles for different ages, assuming an actress has something to offer. There aren’t many Helen Mirrens and Meryl Steeps, and it takes a lot of talent to get to that level. I hope I have it. That’s the model I aspire to if I’m lucky enough. It’s all about luck. (Luck Quotes)
I saw what luck and success I had as an opportunity to twist it up and do something different, so I’ve always sought out different genres and different kinds of characters. (Luck Quotes)
It would actually constitute more than a miracle, he realised. It would take divine intervention plus luck, plus some unknown element of cosmic wizardry. (Luck Quotes)
Rather than engage in the sort of selective retention that so many investors tend to do and pretend mistakes never happened, I prefer to ‘own’ them. This allows me to learn from them and, with any luck, avoid making the same errors again. (Luck Quotes)
Dreams can still come true; you need a great deal of energy and determination, and a little bit of luck. (Luck Quotes)
I’ve had quite a lot of luck with dreams. I’ve often awoken in the night with a phrase or even a whole song in my head. (Luck Quotes)