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Lucky Friend Quotes

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I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again  (Lucky Friend Quotes) I am really lucky to have Jeff. He is my best friend in the whole world, not only my brother  (Lucky Friend Quotes) There have been times when people who weren’t my friends all of a sudden became my friend. I won’t allow them to use me, but I have been pretty lucky to have friends who have supported me and who I have known since I was 12. They are still the same and they don’t treat me any different  (Lucky Friend Quotes) I don’t mind being an only child; never have. I am lucky, though, that I have my friend Emily, who grew-up very close to me and so, there is someone I have shared memories with. I would miss that if I didn’t have it, I think  (Lucky Friend Quotes) Find an independent woman-who loves you for you and will be your best friend. I got it right the first time and was very, very lucky.  (Lucky Friend Quotes)