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You can be the best actor in the world, but if you don’t have that one lucky moment, it kind of doesn’t matter. There are a lot of amazing actors who will never get the chance to prove themselves because they won’t have that one lucky moment  (Lucky Quotes) Each and every one of us who is still lucky enough to have our parents has a duty to them. We do owe them  (Lucky Quotes) It’s just cool for a girl to be able to do her own thing. I do a lot of movies, and I’m very lucky, and I’m not complaining. But in movies, alongside big action men, we’ve always got to take a step back and let the men shine  (Lucky Quotes) I feel so lucky that I met the love of my life. You know somebody’s in it to win it when... you’re having a seizure and they’re holding you  (Lucky Quotes) Every successful photograph, except for lucky shots, begins with an idea and a plan. The more precisely a photographer knows what it is he wishes to do, the better the chances are that he will do it  (Lucky Quotes) Maybe I’m just purely lucky. If I’ve come up against obstacles I’ve always found another way around it  (Lucky Quotes) In diplomacy, as in life itself, one often learns more from failures than from successes. Triumphs will seem, in retrospect, to be foreordained, a series of brilliant actions and decisions that may in fact have been lucky or inadvertent, whereas failures illuminate paths and pitfalls to be avoided  (Lucky Quotes) They’re very beautiful, aren’t they? Clouds are very beautiful and yet so often we fail to appreciate them properly. We should do that. We should look at them and think about how lucky we are to have them  (Lucky Quotes) I’m lucky to be part of a team who help to make me look good, and they deserve as much of the credit for my success as I do for the hard work we have all put in on the training ground  (Lucky Quotes) I love my sculptures, and I was lucky I had them for 50 years because no one would look at them and I really liked having them around  (Lucky Quotes) I was lucky. My father raced bikes. He gave me the passion very early. I had my first bike when I was three or four years old  (Lucky Quotes) I suppose I was lucky enough to be educated at a time when teachers still thought children could handle knowledge. They trusted us. Then there came a time when they decided that because not every kid in the class could understand or remember those things they wouldn’t teach them anymore because it wasn’t fair on the less good ones. So they withheld knowledge. Then I suppose the next lot of teachers didn’t have the knowledge to withhold  (Lucky Quotes) With photography, you are lucky if you get people to look at your pictures at some point. There’s no formal way to show them  (Lucky Quotes) There’s a balance between what you want to give the world and what it needs. If you’re lucky, your work is in the middle  (Lucky Quotes) Cricket is just something that I am good at, just like various people are good at various things. What’s lucky is that cricket gets enormous publicity  (Lucky Quotes) If I could be lucky enough to just have radio as the base for the rest of my life, I could build off that. No matter how successful I become, I always look at radio as the only skill set I can really call on. I even know how to operate the boards  (Lucky Quotes) The lesson learned: Never take your loved ones for granted. And if you’re ever lucky enough to find that one person in life who makes you love more than any other person could possibly make you love, you treat every day together as if it were your last. You cherish every moment  (Lucky Quotes) To create a usable piece of software, you have to fight for every fix, every feature, every little accommodation that will get one more person up the curve. There are no shortcuts. Luck is involved, but you don’t win by being lucky, it happens because you fought for every inch  (Lucky Quotes) If I am lucky, something new and inexplicable often appears in front of my lens. I am always surprised by the mystery of how my best images appear. That excitement and shock of discovery makes my life at these moments a gift  (Lucky Quotes) For me it’s always just been about experiencing the things I love and documenting them. I have gotten a lot of joy out of what I do, and I feel lucky to be able to spread that joy  (Lucky Quotes) I wanted to be an actor because I wanted to be onstage. I wanted to do musical theater, and from that I realized I was interested in plays. I never imagined myself on television. I was so lucky to be onstage my whole life  (Lucky Quotes) I completely appreciate the importance of fathers but millions of children are without loving homes. I think a child is lucky with one parent who truly loves her  (Lucky Quotes) If you’re lucky, you go from being a movie fan to a movie maker  (Lucky Quotes) How lucky can one guy get? I was a runaway, and then I was in one of the biggest bands in the world. I’ve sold out every arena. I’ve sold millions and millions of records  (Lucky Quotes) There was a time when my whole life was in chaos, really, and I didn’t help myself sort it out. But one day I came to my senses, and I think I was lucky because a lot of people don’t  (Lucky Quotes) My phrase has always been that I am looking for the versatility of theatre in film. I think I have been quite lucky in that so far  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve been really very fortunate with the men I’ve been involved with. They’ve always really treated me very, very wonderfully. And whenever anything broke up, I was always the one to leave. So I think I’ve been really very, very lucky  (Lucky Quotes) I’m lucky my wife is a strong woman. She’s one of the stronger people I’ve ever met. It’s hard for me to be away, but I know my home life is fine because my wife is there  (Lucky Quotes) I’m one of the lucky actors in television. I don’t make a lot of big waves, but there’s constant activity, and that’s the way I prefer to live my life  (Lucky Quotes) I was lucky enough to have parents who started me on music very early, but most kids don’t get that kind of exposure  (Lucky Quotes)
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