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I was lucky enough to be able to grow and mature in a natural way as an actress  (Lucky Quotes) I’m very lucky to be able to do what I love to do, and I hope I can keep doing it for a while  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve been lucky enough to play some funny, nasty ladies in my day, and if you can make them foolish, they’re even funnier  (Lucky Quotes) Girls are supposed to be feminine and demure. Comedy isn’t about that, so you just have to unlearn it. Certain women are so pretty, they can’t go weird enough to be funny. You have to be willing to be ugly. I’m lucky my face can look so hideous  (Lucky Quotes) I was lucky enough to attend schools where they were understanding about when I needed to go abroad to play chess. Of course, socially it is important to go to school and interact with people your own age  (Lucky Quotes) I couldn’t have gotten this far without my beautiful parents. I’m also very lucky to have the best friends that I do  (Lucky Quotes) I love my job and I know I am very lucky but still, if you audition and you don’t get it, it still affects you  (Lucky Quotes) I miss my kids sometimes and that can get me down when I’ve been away working, but then I wake up and recognize how incredibly lucky I am. Spending time being down is less time out there achieving and enjoying  (Lucky Quotes) I was really lucky that, through my 20s, I got to work with some amazing people, and I tried to sit back and watch and learn  (Lucky Quotes) I feel lucky to be an actor because you always learn something from each part you play  (Lucky Quotes) I think I’ve done 200 plays and 125 movies, so I’ve been very lucky to have made a living at acting  (Lucky Quotes) I was lucky to get the kinds of parts I wanted. I always said I didn’t want to do anything my kids can’t see  (Lucky Quotes) I have been really lucky in my career, with the diversity of it. I get to play really complex people  (Lucky Quotes) I’m really lucky with the people around me. They know me, so they don’t confuse the issues, really. They know what a book is and they know who I am and they know the difference between the two  (Lucky Quotes) I think I was very lucky to have grown up with an artist’s studio in the house. It was a kind of life that was possible. Yeah, it made it kind of harder because the standards were higher, but there was no pressure  (Lucky Quotes) The truth is, I’ve been lucky. But just like the waltz, life has its own rhythm of rise and fall  (Lucky Quotes) I feel very, very grateful. I’m a lucky guy, you need a lot of luck, and then when the cameras roll, you have to have this group of writers, directors, and actors that just gel, and it seems to literally be happening more and more  (Lucky Quotes) People always ask me if I could live in any other era what would it be, and I tell them none! I feel so lucky to live in an age where technology has changed and continues to change and make life so much more exciting. It keeps everyone young and constantly learning new things  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve been really lucky with the people that I’ve gotten to work with. I learn a lot from them, just by watching them  (Lucky Quotes) I was lucky enough to get a very good agent at the age of 15, and got my first film when I was 16, so it’s been rolling on since then  (Lucky Quotes) I felt alive when I read a script and acted out a scene, or sang a song. It was my dream. I’m just very lucky that I’m still doing it and able to earn a living from it  (Lucky Quotes) I love writing. I feel ridiculously lucky that this is what I get to do all day  (Lucky Quotes) I don’t think you can create luck. You’re either lucky or you’re not. I don’t know if it’s really luck or if it’s just curiosity. I think the main ingredient, or a main ingredient for photography is curiosity. If you’re curious enough and if you get up in the morning and go out and take pictures, you’re likely to be more lucky than if you just stay at home  (Lucky Quotes) Before I go on stage, I knock three times. Three is my lucky number; I once went into an audition and was number 333 and got the best part ever  (Lucky Quotes) I’m extremely, extremely lucky to be who I am and do what I do and work with the people I work with. Even though I can always find something to complain about, I find it very hard to complain  (Lucky Quotes) I have experienced a tremendous amount of personal and professional growth, and I feel incredibly lucky that I’m able to make a career out of doing the things that I love  (Lucky Quotes) I would never, ever desert my child. A lot of my friends didn’t have fathers growing up, and they were very upset that their fathers weren’t around. I was lucky to have mine around  (Lucky Quotes) I’m so lucky to have such a great family. I respect them so much professionally, and they’ve been unconditionally supportive in the choices that I’ve made. It’s been very good having them on my side  (Lucky Quotes) I have been very lucky for most of my adult life to be working as an actor  (Lucky Quotes) I’m the son of highly functioning parents who I’m incredibly lucky to have  (Lucky Quotes)
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