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Napoleon wanted his generals to be lucky. I don’t think he would have worked with me  (Lucky Quotes) I was determined to experience the birth, and I am so scared at the thought of having my abdomen cut open. So I was lucky that the birth went very smoothly  (Lucky Quotes) My job affords me the luxury of having help. I don’t feel exhausted, I feel lucky  (Lucky Quotes) Very few people ever understand art. If you are lucky, they will buy it for the wrong reasons  (Lucky Quotes) Sometimes you can be lucky enough to establish a working relationship with another artist who takes away the loneliness, particularly in travel and outdoor work  (Lucky Quotes) These days I love to take in the sunset because every time I do so I remember how lucky I am to be alive. That’s a great relationship to have with the setting sun  (Lucky Quotes) I was lucky to get into computers when it was a very young and idealistic industry. There weren’t many degrees offered in computer science, so people in computers were brilliant people from mathematics, physics, music, zoology, whatever. They loved it, and no one was really in it for the money  (Lucky Quotes) The difference between the best worker on computer hardware and the average may be 2 to 1, if you’re lucky. With automobiles, maybe 2 to 1. But in software, it’s at least 25 to 1. The difference between the average programmer and a great one is at least that. The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to hire the best people in the world. And when you’re in a field where the dynamic range is 25 to 1, boy, does it pay off  (Lucky Quotes) I would like to say, however, that a man might be walking around lucky and not know it unless he tries  (Lucky Quotes) Every day I wake up and I realize how lucky I am to be living this life  (Lucky Quotes) I really feel like a walking testimony of like if you set your mind to things, how things can come true for you. I feel like I’m like, like the law of attraction. I feel like I’m living that life wholeheartedly. Everything that I’ve looked for out of life, it’s come to be so far... I’m working hard, I’m not getting lucky, I’m earning things... I feel like a living testament to how you can just put your mind to anything and make it happen  (Lucky Quotes) As an actor, I’ve just gotten insanely lucky. I quite like being surrounded by lots of different talented people lots of different times a year  (Lucky Quotes) I just look at what’s the most fun thing I can do next. I’m not looking to prove anything, or to break out or to break away. I feel so lucky, honestly, that I’m still working  (Lucky Quotes) How lucky my life is that I have two arms, and two legs, and ten fingers with which to make things out of wood  (Lucky Quotes) I had some pretty lucky and good living situations; thankfully I never got forced out of an apartment. A lot of my friends got evicted or pushed out and couldn’t afford a new place. For me, I wanted more space to set up a home studio, but there was no way to afford that  (Lucky Quotes) I am very lucky to be man because women have a terrible time getting older parts. It’s much more difficult  (Lucky Quotes) I have no ax to grind. I was lucky. I played. How many guys play high school, college football never play pro football?  (Lucky Quotes) True fans stick behind bands through thick and thin and we’ve been lucky enough to have some amazing fans  (Lucky Quotes) Love is a strange emotion. It is ever evolving. Lust is transient. With time, one realizes that love and togetherness are two different things. Very few people are lucky enough to experience the two emotions simultaneously  (Lucky Quotes) I love fortune readings! because when I get in troubles, if the reading says that I am in a lucky day, I can think my troubles are just some kind of mistakes, and if the reading says that I am in the unlucky day, I can think that my troubles are just because of my bad luck. Either ways, I can know the reason of my troubles  (Lucky Quotes) I’m lucky, I guess. I only really need five or so hours of sleep  (Lucky Quotes) Our mistakes don’t make or break us. If we are lucky, they simply reveal who we really are, what we’re made of. Challenges will come, but if you treat them simply as tests of who you are, you’ll come out of it not bitter and victimized, but smarter and stronger  (Lucky Quotes) Once the computers got control, we might never get it back. We would survive at their sufferance. If we’re lucky, they might decide to keep us as pets  (Lucky Quotes) I alternate between feeling incredibly lucky thatI’ve gotten away with almost everything I wanted to do, and feelinglike I’ve been shafted  (Lucky Quotes) Lucky is the man who has been successful with his children and not got ones who are notorious disasters  (Lucky Quotes) I like that kind of stuff. I like doing speeches. I’ve been lucky because I’ve had a lot of characters, over the years, who will have three or four page speeches  (Lucky Quotes) Luck always plays a part for everyone, whether they want to admit it or not. I was very lucky, and I know it  (Lucky Quotes) People always ask me about career choices, though it rarely ever seems like any kind of choice. It’s just like, I really want to do something, this is what I can do, and that’s it. I’m lucky to be doing this at all  (Lucky Quotes) Hard work. Well, that=s all right for people who don=t know how to do anything else. It=s all right for people who aren=t lucky. But once you==re lucky, you don=t have to work for other people. You make them work for you  (Lucky Quotes) For me, it’s always filmmaker and then character and then story. They’re all equally important but if you don’t have a great filmmaker, you will not have a great film unless you just get lucky  (Lucky Quotes)
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