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I am very lucky that I have talented and creative people around me. Also, mediation has been a very big part of my freedom, because it allows me to watch all the things going on and allows me to focus  (Lucky Quotes) The only thing at the back of my mind is longevity, and I’m really lucky that I’ve constantly been in work since I left drama school  (Lucky Quotes) I am very lucky to have the opportunity to travel to so many amazing destinations for work!  (Lucky Quotes) My arrogance knows no bounds and I will make no peace today, and you should be so lucky to find a woman like me  (Lucky Quotes) There are so few people that wake up every day and go do something that they don’t dread... I’m very lucky  (Lucky Quotes) I was lucky enough to be fairly quick at understanding what was taught, but unlucky enough not to be really interested in it, so I always got my exams but never had the scholar’s love of learning for its own sake  (Lucky Quotes) I was fortunate to get a lot of mileage out of my vices... The point is not to be debilitated by your pleasures. Maybe I have lucky genes or something but I’ve never been truly addicted to anything, except pleasure in general  (Lucky Quotes) I’m a very lucky guy. I get to write music that I love, and lo and behold, people seem to really like it. I know how fortunate I am  (Lucky Quotes) I believe that I am very lucky to have close friends who are faithful. From my friends, I have learned the importance of perseverance  (Lucky Quotes) I think we’re lucky to be living when we are, because things are going to get worse  (Lucky Quotes) Thankfully, I’m lucky enough to be able to eat ice cream. I’ve got to have my cookies and cream! But I work out a lot, so I burn a lot of calories  (Lucky Quotes) Even after nearly 50 years in this business, I still feel like I’m lucky every time I get a decent job, but an opportunity to work with people of that ilk  (Lucky Quotes) I feel as if I’m in on a pass and am damn lucky to have whatever I have. It could all be taken away in a second  (Lucky Quotes) I started out old, but I have to say that I’ve been very lucky to work consistently since I started. I’ve really never been out of work  (Lucky Quotes) I have very little interest in the bottom line or signing artists to help make the label profit. That’s a lucky, unique position to be in, but it all comes out in the wash  (Lucky Quotes) You’re not actually being a good actor all the time. But people refer to me as a good actor because they read it someplace, not because they’ve made up their own mind. So I’m very lucky!  (Lucky Quotes) You’re lucky if you find something you like to do, and it’s a miracle if somebody will pay you to do it  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve been lucky to have survived balloon trips, boating trips, you know, a lot of rather foolish things in my life, so I was definitely born under a lucky star  (Lucky Quotes) I consider myself very lucky that I could live my life through all the ups and downs  (Lucky Quotes) Im lucky that its about fashion and perfume and cosmetics. If my father had owned a tire company, I don’t know what I would have done  (Lucky Quotes) Becoming successful is a relentless pursuit. Its good that its that way: When it does come, you learn to know how to appreciate it, and know how lucky you are to be doing something that you love so much  (Lucky Quotes) American writers, at least those of us who are fortunate enough to support ourselves in the field, are by and large a lucky lot  (Lucky Quotes) You’re the luckiest person in the entire world if you know what you really want to do, which I was lucky enough to know when I was very young. And you’re the luckiest person in the world if you can then make a living out of it  (Lucky Quotes) Nowadays, if you have a journey, albeit a simple one, you consider yourself lucky if nothing happens  (Lucky Quotes) I’m interested in reality, and I’m interested in survival. I’m interested in people who aren’t the lucky ones, who maybe have a tougher time surviving, and telling their story  (Lucky Quotes) I was always keen to get involved in the school drama productions and was a member of the school choir. I was lucky to have attended schools that took music and drama very seriously and the teachers were just brilliant  (Lucky Quotes) The best thing is not to be born. But who is as lucky as that? To whom does it happen? Not to one among millions and millions of people  (Lucky Quotes) As a novelist, I’m incredibly lucky to make a living, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t lie awake at four o’clock in the morning, worrying  (Lucky Quotes) And things are never okay. It does get better I guess, in that you grow to love yourself if you’re lucky. But it doesn’t get better because life is hard, and people aren’t always nice  (Lucky Quotes) Don’t be confused by what looks like luck to you. Lucky people don’t make successful people; people who completely commit themselves to success seem to get lucky in life  (Lucky Quotes)
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