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Lucky Quotes

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If you’re an alcoholic or a drug addict or something, we flirt with death. We pull ourselves to the brink of destruction and if we’re lucky we pull ourselves back. We all have that in us  (Lucky Quotes) I’m lucky to get to do the job that I do. I’m really lucky to be able to work in so many different areas of this industry  (Lucky Quotes) No creative writer knows what is commercial and what isn’t. You just write from your heart, you write from the deepest, creative urges in you, and you write from your soul, and you just either get lucky or not  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve never really had any barrier to break I guess. I don’t really have anything to rebel against. I’m quite lucky  (Lucky Quotes) Personally, I think if a women hasn’t met the right man by the time she’s 24, she may be lucky  (Lucky Quotes) Chance arrives unannounced. It emerges, and when it leaves, we are lucky if the changes it has produced are only external  (Lucky Quotes) I have a lucky perfume. I love beautiful smells, but I save one of my favorite perfumes to wear only when I feel like I need some extra luck  (Lucky Quotes) I think that I am among the few lucky ones who are exploiting complexity. Most people are unhappy with the emergence of complexity, they would prefer it if the world were very simple, but then it would be a doom for a cryptographer like myself  (Lucky Quotes) Life is bittersweet. Inside our heads, if we’re lucky, we’re the same kids as we were when we were young  (Lucky Quotes) You never know when someone is videotaping you or trying to capture your image. I see how it makes some people crazy. But I am really lucky. I don’t understand it. I really, honestly, am much more focused on my personal life  (Lucky Quotes) I was lucky with my parents, for my mom and my dad particularly, much more than my mom, who was very compassionate and loving to everyone. And then, as I got into my career, I started and other people started to realize that I was good at it  (Lucky Quotes) I’m certainly lucky to have got famous through something that was so well liked, generally speaking  (Lucky Quotes) When you hire great actors, you’re lucky, so you just try to create an atmosphere where they can succeed and relax and take risks. You’re happy that you get to watch them at the monitor and that your name is on the director’s chair  (Lucky Quotes) I think I’ve been really lucky to keep my career so varied, and to be open. There’s safety in repetition, but there’s also a trap there  (Lucky Quotes) I don’t want to be the funny girl or the serious girl. I would hope to touch on all different genres and all different types of characters, which I think I’ve been lucky enough to do, so far  (Lucky Quotes) The most important thing in convoluted families, I learnt as I wrote, is that the child feels loved. I knew from a young age that I was a problem which required constant solving; but I never felt unloved. I was lucky  (Lucky Quotes) I’m a mother and I have a daughter. I’m lucky to be in a position where I’m able to teach her things like self love and acceptance  (Lucky Quotes) There are so many people with all kinds of lucky things happening to them, and they don’t know how to use it  (Lucky Quotes) Dabbling in astrology is like carrying a lucky rabbit’s foot as an omen of good luck which costs us very little and might have some beneficial effects  (Lucky Quotes) I’m living such a lucky and blessed life and I’m trying my best to deserve it  (Lucky Quotes) I just feel fortune just to have been lucky enough, and worked hard enough, and blessed  (Lucky Quotes) It’s been great. I’ve been very lucky to work with more experienced actors early on in my career because I get a chance to learn from them. There is so much you can learn from them. You can just follow them and you’ll be pretty safe  (Lucky Quotes) I have no complaints. I think I’m especially lucky. As you said, I’ve come from outside and I’m not even anywhere closely connected. But I have absolutely no problem here. People have been more than welcoming, even before I was ready  (Lucky Quotes) Physics is about questioning, studying, probing nature. You probe, and, if you’re lucky, you get strange clues  (Lucky Quotes) I was lucky enough to come in at the beginning of the independent film movement and its really shaped my life and career  (Lucky Quotes) Even the losers get lucky sometimes. Even the losers keep a little bit of pride. They get lucky sometimes  (Lucky Quotes) I was lucky to go to work every day for 50 years, to a job that I loved  (Lucky Quotes) All parents are trying to balance. Look, I’m lucky in the sense that I can control my hours. I can choose my jobs, and not everybody has that choice. But I definitely, it’s a family decision every time I take a job  (Lucky Quotes) I retired once but you’ve got to have something to retire to and I don’t want to do anything. My job is like a well paid hobby, I mean not a hobby but I’m not lining up every morning at the bus queue to go to work. I’m very lucky  (Lucky Quotes) I can do what I want to do, lucky me. But when these people are coming at me and asking these things, they don’t really care about me. And I have felt like there were all these people who just wanted to use me  (Lucky Quotes)
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