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Lucky Quotes

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But some people have to get lucky just to live. And I never knew I could make anybody lucky  (Lucky Quotes) Turn your scars into stars by realising how lucky you are that things aren’t worse  (Lucky Quotes) I just feel so lucky to tell stories and make up stories and share them with people  (Lucky Quotes) I’m lucky to have the privilege of being able to choose what I want to do  (Lucky Quotes) A big part of who I am is just the way I was raised. Nobody is better than anyone else, and if you really work hard, you might get lucky and get what you want  (Lucky Quotes) I am usually part of any disaster at a wedding if I’m a bridesmaid, which I’ve been lucky enough to be several times  (Lucky Quotes) I was a writer. I just wasn’t a very good one. I was lucky enough to have a playwriting teacher who told me that I’d be a better actor than I would a playwright  (Lucky Quotes) I’m very lucky. I am one of those people who is able to go home, shut the front door and completely focus on the kids  (Lucky Quotes) You just never know when movies are going to take off or not. The lucky thing about this was that it didn’t cost a lot of money, and therefore there wasn’t loads of pressure on me  (Lucky Quotes) I got a job immediately after leaving high school; I was lucky - three dollars a week and all I could eat, working on a vegetable truck  (Lucky Quotes) No one sat me down with a piece of paper and said, This is what is expected of you. But... I’m lucky enough in the fact that I have found my role... I love being with people  (Lucky Quotes) Everyone who worked on ‘The Fox and the Hound’ is important. We’re all lucky to be in a business that we love  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve been lucky in my life to work with people who I consider master singers  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve been really lucky because when I go out to L.A. it’s for a job, not to look for a job. That’s the way I like L.A. most - when I already have a job  (Lucky Quotes) You can have a very bad end with Parkinson’s, but on the other hand, you can be like me, because I’m lucky. I’m not having a bad end  (Lucky Quotes) Career-wise, I feel very lucky to have always been able to follow my creative path  (Lucky Quotes) If you are lucky enough to be successful, you get drawn further in and you stop paying attention to the stuff that matters  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve been really lucky. I think that you really get what you recognize is in the universe  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve been very lucky and been able to work, as an actress, but I’m definitely a working actress. I get a script, I audition, and then I pray  (Lucky Quotes) I just don’t think you can make records easily and have them be great. It’s a process. You’ve got to get really lucky all the time, or you’ve got to work like mad  (Lucky Quotes) If you’re lucky enough to work with great actors and creative people, they’re always just going to be who they are, so I don’t think there’s a difference between the Brits and the Americans  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve honestly been so lucky. I’ve never had a job where I didn’t look forward to being on set in the morning  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve been very lucky, and therefore I owe it to try and reduce the inequity in the world. And that’s kind of a religious belief. I mean, it’s at least a moral belief  (Lucky Quotes) I’m very lucky with the people that recognise me - it’s at a very tolerable level. I don’t think I could handle the level of recognition which David Beckham has  (Lucky Quotes) You need supporting actors to help to tell the story. For me, I’m lucky to be a part of the films. Being an actor, I’ll take any role, whether it’s supporting or leading  (Lucky Quotes) What most people do is they make terrific films, one in three if you’re very lucky, maybe one in five. So you just have to keep on, you have to get through the bad bits  (Lucky Quotes) I was lucky enough to watch my son hit a grand slam at sports camp, and that was great. Yes, I may miss some things, but honestly, I think I get to see more than a dad who works a daily 9 to 5  (Lucky Quotes) My heart is with the standards. That’s what I was raised on. I’m perfectly comfortable with pop. I feel lucky because I’m pretty versatile  (Lucky Quotes) American actresses have more problems than I do; I’m lucky to be able to play what I want for a smaller audience, because I have my own country to do that in  (Lucky Quotes) When I was in high school, I was lucky enough to be an exchange student to a small town in Argentina called Goya  (Lucky Quotes)
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