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Lucky Quotes

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I’ve been lucky. I’ve met a lot of baseball people, and I’ve learned to value people who talk - people who talk well and in long sentences and even long paragraphs  (Lucky Quotes) There was one public school for boys, and one for girls, but Jewish children were admitted in limited numbers - only ten to a hundred; and even the lucky ones had their troubles  (Lucky Quotes) For an actor to have a role that they’re recognized and remembered for over the years, it’s unusual. It’s very lucky if it happens once - and it’s luck that it’s happened to me a couple of times  (Lucky Quotes) Since writing JAWS, I’ve been lucky enough to do close to forty television shows about wildlife in the oceans, and yes, I have been attacked by sea creatures once in a while  (Lucky Quotes) I think that I have this core group of fans that fell in love with the character I played on Buffy and now they’re following me to everything I do. They’re very dedicated and loyal. I’m very lucky  (Lucky Quotes) I’m amazed that things have panned out the way they have. I always say I’m so lucky, though my mum always says, ‘You make your own luck.’  (Lucky Quotes) I do think that, for instance, we’ve been very lucky to have theatrical careers and be associated with Shakespeare which sometimes gives you a kind of bogus kudos  (Lucky Quotes) Well, I was lucky in that my being an actress totally overshadowed my having some kind of a... legacy at Yale, so that was kind of great  (Lucky Quotes) I’m aware that not all kids can pick up and fly to Panama. I’m very lucky  (Lucky Quotes) I’m open to sci-fi, but I was never a diehard fan. I have no idea why it keeps following me. I’m extremely lucky, I guess; it’s a lucrative venue  (Lucky Quotes) I was very lucky, I was part of the post-war period when everything had to be redone  (Lucky Quotes) Biologically, I’m lucky - an angular face and dark colouring which shows up well on camera  (Lucky Quotes) I have a line of clothing at J. C. Penney’s... and I’m lucky to be affiliated  (Lucky Quotes) I got to have a TV show that really was the talk of the nation for a while there. So I’m a very lucky guy  (Lucky Quotes) I’m a lucky guy. I get to sit around every day and indulge in make believe and get paid for it  (Lucky Quotes) I was lucky enough to have been born on this planet earth, in this admirable country of the United States of America  (Lucky Quotes) I feel lucky because most of my friends aren’t married. So I don’t feel that, ‘oh, step on it, you’re thirty.’  (Lucky Quotes) We weren’t lucky enough to sacrifice our lives for our country, but at least we can live for our country  (Lucky Quotes) People say I am lucky. I am lucky indeed because what can be better luck than to have the blessings of 125 crore Indians  (Lucky Quotes) I consider myself lucky to have had wonderful teachers. They expose you to a lot and basically teach you how to paint. I think of my career as a series of lucky incidents  (Lucky Quotes) As far as drug abuse and all that - listen, this is Hollywood. I don’t know how I was able to avoid it, but I’m lucky that I did  (Lucky Quotes) America’s been very, very good to me. I’ve been very lucky and worked a lot there, and appreciate and love the work that I’ve done  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve definitely gotten to work with female directors, and I feel lucky because of that. I just feel like more voices should be represented  (Lucky Quotes) Life is like a rain drop on a lotus leaf. Everybody realises that you’re either very lucky person or you’re not  (Lucky Quotes) If you’re lucky enough to get to play a character for a long time, it’s life-changing  (Lucky Quotes) I’m lucky to be alive. It took three years of therapy to recover but I did it  (Lucky Quotes) I can have a whole year off. I’m really lucky because I’m my own boss, so I make the rules and get to choose when I take time off  (Lucky Quotes) The horrors of the world in general upset me. I cry when I think about how lucky I am with my lovely little family  (Lucky Quotes) You never know with a new show. It takes awhile for shows to find their feet and for people to connect with it. We just got lucky that people liked us, straight away  (Lucky Quotes) We’re lucky to be making films. My crew and I have been working together for a long time. I think that that’s what emanates  (Lucky Quotes)
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