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I like to think of myself as versatile, and I certainly have the most varied career, so I’m very, very lucky in that  (Lucky Quotes) I love any challenge that comes my way, and I’ve been lucky to have many  (Lucky Quotes) Obviously, you have to be lucky enough for people to want you to be in films, but that is the plan, definitely  (Lucky Quotes) I feel very creatively satisfied and lucky that I get to write for other people, but for something I direct, it has to be something I completely understand every facet of  (Lucky Quotes) Count yourself lucky, how happy you must be - you get a fresh start, your slate’s wiped clean. Count yourself lucky - God holds nothing against you and you’re holding nothing back from Him  (Lucky Quotes) It was very necessary I think ‘cause you know, when the band’s over, or at least in our heads, for a year it makes you really realize how lucky you are to be doing this and why piss in the well  (Lucky Quotes) I feel very lucky to have served under some great bosses. The majority of them were men, but I have also had a few women. In many ways, I feel like media is pretty neutral when it comes to gender  (Lucky Quotes) I think if you’re lucky, you start to make music and it gets things out  (Lucky Quotes) I think I’m really lucky that the things I’m able to love - people, animals - it’s like the more you put yourself into it, the more you get out of it  (Lucky Quotes) I wasn’t listening to that much classical music - not much more than anything else. I was really lucky to have parents who loved all kinds of music  (Lucky Quotes) I am lucky enough to be married to someone who I believe in totally and who believes in me totally  (Lucky Quotes) I am very lucky to live in California, which is not only filled with very entrepreneurial people who don’t wait around for success, but who make their own  (Lucky Quotes) I guess at it’s very core love is connection that just makes so much sense you wonder how you used to live before you were lucky enough to experience it  (Lucky Quotes) During my MFA, I was lucky to be surrounded by a really supportive group of peers. And now I get feedback pretty exclusively from freaks only  (Lucky Quotes) As long as I get to be doing what I love, which is making comedy and that kind of thing, I feel lucky that I get to  (Lucky Quotes) I find that, rather than the cities, I’m very lucky because the audiences that come and see me are very, generally speaking, truly kind, so I have a great time playing everywhere  (Lucky Quotes) I don’t view myself as any kind of celebrity, but we as people are called to do those things and I am just lucky I have a microphone and can reach more people sometimes  (Lucky Quotes) When you recognize good writing and you’re lucky enough to get it, like with Lost, that’s what I follow  (Lucky Quotes) I’ve always felt really lucky to get to work with really great filmmakers. For me, the whole objective is just to hopefully be of service to what they want  (Lucky Quotes) I’m not really superstitious - I don’t have any lucky charms or a mascot  (Lucky Quotes) In a way I’m lucky because when people suggest I won’t be able to do something I have no choice but to show them they are wrong. If I say I’m doing it, I’m doing it. No matter how hard it is  (Lucky Quotes) I was born pretty lucky, an Aryan Australian, friendly girl, that gives you a lot of advantages in the world. I was unaware of people’s fights or struggles for equality. I was really naive  (Lucky Quotes) My folks are hilarious extroverts and have always been very supportive of all my artistic endeavors. I’m really lucky to come from such an encouraging family  (Lucky Quotes) I am lucky to have been gifted with a good ear and the ability to mimic. If I can hear it... I can replicate it, whether it’s a dialect or just matching the tone of someones voice  (Lucky Quotes) It looks like garbage, my ass. But trust me, you’re lucky it’s not full-frontal  (Lucky Quotes) I`m lucky in that in my character in hip hop is me. I`m Michael Render. My character is Killer Mike. But the truth that I sing in my raps align themselves with the policy of Bernie Sanders  (Lucky Quotes) I have been very lucky, I have won prizes and I’ve even won the lottery  (Lucky Quotes) I’m very lucky that I’ve worked mainly with two amazing photographers in David Sims and Steven Meisel  (Lucky Quotes) I am a very lucky artist in the sense that I have had all my life a lot of opportunities to do what I want to do  (Lucky Quotes) I’m lucky that so many children visit my website. At least I get to talk with them that way  (Lucky Quotes)
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