Lucky Quotes

Text Quotes
I really care about this stuff, I care about movies, and you just have to be strong and don’t be stupid; freedom of choice is a big responsibility, and I’m lucky enough not to have to just take any movie to pay the rent, so there’s no need to be greedy. (Lucky Quotes)
I played a kid’s game, I got to do it at the beach, and I was able to support my family. I consider myself incredibly lucky. (Lucky Quotes)
Being an actor is a good way to earn a living. And to meet fabulous people. It’s great to live very comfortably. I’ve been lucky, I’ve had a lot of fun with great roles, but it is true that if I were extremely rich, I would stop and I would go to play football on a beach in the Caribbean with my children. (Lucky Quotes)
I was very lucky to have had the opportunity to tour with the Beastie Boys and watched almost every set they played on all those dates. Why not? You do your set and then you get to see the Beasties play? Best deal in town. (Lucky Quotes)
There are so many things to be lucky for. Lucky to be healthy, lucky to be, like, beautiful. Lucky to be living in America. (Lucky Quotes)
My ex-husband is very involved in raising our beautiful children. We’re very lucky because we both grew up in working families in middle America. We’re on the same page that way. (Lucky Quotes)
Sharks are beautiful animals, and if you’re lucky enough to see lots of them, that means that you’re in a healthy ocean. You should be afraid if you are in the ocean and don’t see sharks. (Lucky Quotes)
People come to me and say, ‘What’ll I do if I go in the water and see a shark?’ You don’t have to do anything. The chances of that shark attacking you in any way is so remote. The sea should be enjoyed, the animals in it. When you see a shark underwater, you should say, ‘How lucky I am to see this beautiful animal in his environment!’ (Lucky Quotes)
I couldn’t have gotten this far without my beautiful parents. I’m also very lucky to have the best friends that I do. (Lucky Quotes)
I’ve got a great family and a beautiful house. I feel very lucky as far as my lifestyle is concerned. I’m not really interested in fame and all its trappings. (Lucky Quotes)
Every single person is a beautiful human being, and we’re lucky. That’s what gives you longevity. You have to love the people that you work with. (Lucky Quotes)
As for the herbal cigarettes, for the most part I don’t smoke as much as the guys do. I’m usually just strutting around a bit more so I don’t actually have to be inhaling it. I’m lucky because I do have scenes where the cigarettes work beautifully to punctuate certain things I’m saying. (Lucky Quotes)
I’m a very lucky man. It’s a beautiful thing for a writer, to see people allowing your words to enter their own unconscious and their souls. (Lucky Quotes)
I’m not attached to things at all. I’m very lucky to have quite a few beautiful things, but if I look back at my life, I was often happiest when I had very little. (Lucky Quotes)
You can’t take life for granted. I am lucky to have everything I’ve ever wanted. I’ve got a beautiful wife, a job I’ve always dreamed of...and my face on my own t-shirts. (Lucky Quotes)
I’ve been lucky to have a beautiful wife and children. The idea that something so beautiful can be so horrific at the same time. Beauty is a complex thing. (Lucky Quotes)
Lucky Beauty. Her beast was a man in beast trappings. Far scarier is a beast in the trappings of a man. (Lucky Quotes)
I don’t wear much makeup, except during work. I felt lucky to be chosen to be a model. I used to joke, ‘The next best thing to winning the lottery is having a beauty contract.’ (Lucky Quotes)
Sitting and watching a game show, or betting on your lucky numbers is not the price that most of the top 1% paid to become rich (Lucky Quotes)
I feel like a very lucky person. From the time I was young, I had a dream of becoming a writer. Now that dream has come true, and I am able to make my living doing something I really love. (Lucky Quotes)
I’ve been really lucky. People have been nice to me on the internet. That’s the reason why I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. (Lucky Quotes)
In Heaven, I believe my dad is somewhere doing something nice. I feel I’ve been too lucky to travel this far without somebody guiding me. (Lucky Quotes)
I was lucky to receive help at the beginning of my career and now I want to help other writers as much as I can. (Lucky Quotes)
I’ve been incredibly lucky throughout the beginning stages of my career up ‘til now, and so lucky to work with the incredible people I’ve worked with. (Lucky Quotes)
I actually come from comics, and I’m big on comics. I was reading ‘Walking Dead’ from the beginning. Then just being on the show, I was really lucky to work on episodes like ‘Pretty Much Dead Already’ and ‘Clear.’ I worked a lot on episodes that I didn’t write. (Lucky Quotes)
All musicians need a day job in the beginning. Unless they still live with their parents, I guess. I’m just lucky that my day job is simply another form of art. (Lucky Quotes)
There’s a lot of research behind the scenes that you don’t get to see, but I have an instinct that my dad nurtured from when I was born. I was very lucky then. (Lucky Quotes)
Climatologists are all agreed that we’d be lucky to see the end of this century without the world being a totally different place, and being 8 or 9 degrees hotter on average. (Lucky Quotes)
I had no interest in being your basic vanilla girl. I’ve been lucky enough that I haven’t had to play that. (Lucky Quotes)
I loved school. Not sure how much I focused on the education; just had fun and played lacrosse for seven years. It was lucky I had sport, which I was good at, so it didn’t matter that I wasn’t great on the academic side, or not brilliant at drama. Although I am still bitter about not being in the school choir. Furious, actually. (Lucky Quotes)