Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes

Text Quotes
No one can think a thought for me in the way that no one can don my hat for me (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
Only let’s cut out the transcendental twaddle when the whole thing is as plain as a sock on the jaw (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
That which cannot be said must not be said. That which cannot be said, one must be silent thereof (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
Most of the propositions and questions to be found in philosophical works are not false but nonsensical (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
Kierkegaard was by far the most profound thinker of the last century. Kierkegaard was a saint (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
What should we gain by a definition, as it can only lead us to other undefined terms? (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
It’s only by thinking even more crazily than philosophers do that you can solve their problems (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
If a false thought is so much as expressed boldly and clearly, a great deal has already been gained (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
One age misunderstands another; and a petty age misunderstands all the others in its own ugly way (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
A propositional sign, applied and thought out, is a thought. A thought is a proposition with a sense (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
A wheel that can be turned though nothing else moves with it, is not a part of the mechanism (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
The subject does not belong to the world; rather, it is a limit of the world (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
Is my understanding only blindness to my own lack of understanding? It often seems so to me (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
Proof, one might say, does not merely shew that it is like this, but: how it is like this. It shows how 13 14 yield 27 (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
The popular scientific books by our scientists aren’t the outcome of hard work, but are written when they are resting on their laurels (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
For life in the present there is no death. Death is not an event in life. It is not a fact in the world (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
A proposition is completely logically analyzed if its grammar is made completely clear: no matter what idiom it may be written or expressed in (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
A good guide will take you through the more important streets more often than he takes you down side streets; a bad guide will do the opposite. In philosophy I’m a rather bad guide (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
One of the most difficult of the philosopher’s tasks is to find out where the shoe pinches (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
The whole sense of the book might be summed up the following words: what can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
Though a state of affairs that would contravene the laws of physics can be represented by us spatially, one that would contravene the laws of geometry cannot (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
If I cannot say a priori what elementary propositions there are, then the attempt to do so must lead to obvious nonsense (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
The subject does not belong to the world, but it is a limit of the world (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
It is not how things are in the world that is mystical, but that it exists (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
Burning in effigy. Kissing the picture of one’s beloved... It aims at nothing at all; we just behave this way and then we feel satisfied (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
Philosophy unravels the knots in our thinking; hence its results must be simple, but its activity is as complicated as the knots that it unravels (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
People are deeply imbedded in philosophical, i. E., grammatical confusions. And to free them presupposes pulling them out of the immensely manifold connections they are caught up in (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
One can mistrust one’s own senses, but not one’s own belief. If there were a verb meaning to believe falsely, it would not have any significant first person, present indicative (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
1. If you do know that here is one hand, we’ll grant you all the rest (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)
205. If the true is what is grounded, then the ground is not true, nor yet false (Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes)