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Luis Quotes

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After Luis Suarez of Uruguay bit an Italian opponent in the shoulder, two things happened. Suarez was thrown out of the rest of the tournament, and the player he bit turned Uruguayan  (Luis Quotes) My parents and grandparents listened to bacheta heavy, the true bachata from back in the day - Juan Luis Guerra, Anthony Santos. I liked the genre, but I remember thinking, ‘OK, enough of this.’ I would sing Usher’s ‘U Remind Me’ to the girls in school.  (Luis Quotes) I think the people who really know who Luis is are the people who are by my side, who have always been by my side.  (Luis Quotes) Corinne Bailey Rae I listen to a lot, and I’ll hear Desert Island Discs and quickly write down the name of a song, and it will open up a new area of music for me. I discovered an Argentinian guitarist, Jose Luis Bieito, on Classic FM.  (Luis Quotes) Luis Bunuel’s two semishort surrealist hand grenades (cowritten in varying degrees with Salvador Dali) make a double bill that can restore your faith in the subversions of youth. Pure Spanish-Parisian piss and vinegar.  (Luis Quotes)