Lump Quotes

Text Quotes
I forget it’s Shane Warne and just think of him as any old bowler lobbing down a lump of leather. (Lump Quotes)
We can no more tolerate neutrality and benevolence toward every conceivable form of discourse, including that of magical thinking, than we can lump together executioner and victim, good and evil. (Lump Quotes)
My mom’s the one I look up to for everything. I feel like I’m a lump of clay and she’s moulding me into a woman. (Lump Quotes)
Don’t be afraid of pressure. Pressure is what transforms a lump of coal into a diamond. (Lump Quotes)
In our skulls, we carry around 3 pounds of slimy, wet, greyish tissue, corrugated like crumpled toilet paper. You wouldn’t think, to look at the unappetizing lump, that it was some of the most powerful stuff in the known universe. (Lump Quotes)
Although it happens more rarely in men, breast cancer is not gender-specific. I was in Costa Rica, and in the shower I felt this lump under my left nipple. It was very small, mind you, but enough to make me call my doctor. (Lump Quotes)
I’m not in a position where I get to pick and choose roles. I usually go on auditions in long lines and embarrass myself in front of casting directors, and with a lump in my throat and my ears burning, I walk past reception and smirking actors as I go to the parking garage and go back on the highway. (Lump Quotes)
The world is not entirely comic and it’s not entirely dramatic. You have a laugh and then someone finds a lump and you deal with that. Because that is what life is like (Lump Quotes)
Break free from the binding robes of passion that feels like a lump in your heart, perform that surgery today, and you’ll be set free forever. (Lump Quotes)
Like many people who dress in black, the lump of coal was interested in becoming an artist (Lump Quotes)
Cash from a reverse mortgage can be paid out in several ways, including a lump sum, a monthly payment, a line of credit, or a combination of those. If you do not need money right away, it is usually a bad idea to take all the money upfront, since it starts accumulating interest charges immediately. (Lump Quotes)
The massive lump of flesh that has created you, me, and maybe, animals, everything that has life will forever live. (Lump Quotes)
I’ve been blessed with pretty strong stamina and healthy genes, so I’d call myself sensible. I’ve had regular mammograms ever since I found a lump in my breast when I was 30. Thankfully, all was well (Lump Quotes)
The local-tone is the intrinsic value of a thing - excluding any effects of light. The local-tone of a common pearl is very nearly white; that of a lump of coal, nearly black (Lump Quotes)
I really enjoy squeezing out a big lump of paint directly onto the canvas and leaving it; fresh, immediate and sometimes shocking (Lump Quotes)
... poking a lump of red Jello that jiggles outrageously, like a breast I once knew (Lump Quotes)
I’d like to see a world where, if a teenager fears she’s seeing/hearing things, she feels as comfortable seeking help as she would if she found a lump on her leg (Lump Quotes)
I am now at the age where I can withdraw a 25 per cent tax-free lump sum. I do not put in a set amount because my earnings are a moveable feast (Lump Quotes)
A person who has sympathy for mankind in the lump, faith in its future progress, and desire to serve the great cause of this progress, should be called not a humanist, but a humanitarian, and his creed may be designated as humanitarianism (Lump Quotes)
When I was 41, I found a lump the size of a grape in my right breast. I ended up bald, sick and exhausted from surgeries, chemo and radiation treatments. Ah, but I got to live (Lump Quotes)
I’ve realised that I am who I am and that is it. Like it or lump it. I’m not around to please anyone any more, and it’s a huge relief (Lump Quotes)
Many of my cartoons are not a belly laugh. I go for nostalgia, the lump in the throat, the tear in the eye, the tug in the heart (Lump Quotes)
Animals are certainly more sophisticated than we used to think. And we shouldn’t lump together animals as a group. Crows and chimps and dogs are all highly intelligent in very different ways (Lump Quotes)
Build into each budget the cost of hiring and don’t lump yourself with capital investment (Lump Quotes)
One of the men attached to the prison was the occasion of great amusement on the part of the prisoners, as well as the spectators, by taking a large lump of ice to show these strangers from the tropics (Lump Quotes)
I had been feeling a little rum. I didn’t think it was anything serious because years ago I felt a lump and it was benign. I assumed this would be too. It kind of takes the wind out of your sails, and I don’t know what the future holds, if anything (Lump Quotes)
I prefer lump charcoal over briquettes but I do use both for different reasons and different recipes and sometimes I combine them both when I really want the woodsy aroma from the lump charcoal and long, even heat from the briquettes (Lump Quotes)
My mom’s the one I look up to for everything. I feel like I’m a lump of clay and she’s moulding me into a woman (Lump Quotes)
Baseball is a rookie, his experience no bigger than the lump in his throat as he begins fulfillment of his dream (Lump Quotes)
Tita knew through her own flesh how fire transforms the elements, how a lump of corn flour is changed into a tortilla, how a soul that hasn’t been warmed by the fire of love is lifeless, like a useless ball of corn flour (Lump Quotes)